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About LauGhNoWQQLaTeR

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  1. LauGhNoWQQLaTeR

    Electrical Problems

    why would he need door speakers when he clearly has a h/u or even a wiring issue? putting more money into this issue isn't going to solve anything as if to say how will an amp on his NEW door speakers fix the h/u or potential wiring issue? I understand for his system to get loud he WOULD, in the future, need a amp and newer/better speakers to get loud at a lower volume with this problematic h/u but here is the interesting thing if the volume control on the h/u its self isn't linear how will the amp solve the non-linear problem thus he will still have to be around 25-30 to get loud! well I guess he could still turn the gains up on the amp which could over come this volume issue.... but in the long run that wouldn't be the best idea! so before we go any furthur with this lets first let the OP get the wiring checked out and go from there! holy shit this forum is all fail. if his door speakers were clipping because of how crappy they are and because he is putting his volume too high (clearly)... it would cause the head unit to go into protect mode. A speaker doesn't clip because of "how crappy it is". You demonstrated that you truly do not know what clipping is. Let's do some reading here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipping_%28audio%29 Yup, no mention of "crappy" speakers causing clipping, I believe you fail actually. obviously it was a figure of speech. sigh im done with this thread, my IQ is dropping being around all the fail.
  2. LauGhNoWQQLaTeR

    Electrical Problems

    why would he need door speakers when he clearly has a h/u or even a wiring issue? putting more money into this issue isn't going to solve anything as if to say how will an amp on his NEW door speakers fix the h/u or potential wiring issue? I understand for his system to get loud he WOULD, in the future, need a amp and newer/better speakers to get loud at a lower volume with this problematic h/u but here is the interesting thing if the volume control on the h/u its self isn't linear how will the amp solve the non-linear problem thus he will still have to be around 25-30 to get loud! well I guess he could still turn the gains up on the amp which could over come this volume issue.... but in the long run that wouldn't be the best idea! so before we go any furthur with this lets first let the OP get the wiring checked out and go from there! holy shit this forum is all fail. if his door speakers were clipping because of how crappy they are and because he is putting his volume too high (clearly)... it would cause the head unit to go into protect mode.
  3. LauGhNoWQQLaTeR

    Electrical Problems

    you need new door speakers and h/u. or like vossy said, at least get an amp for the door speakers.
  4. LauGhNoWQQLaTeR

    Electrical Problems

    did buying a new unit fix your problem? im contemplating bringing it back to where i bought it and trying to get a different/new one Yeah that's what I ended up doing, Mine would do it randomly just shut off then come back on a few seconds later. haha you got owned shizzzon. How did i get "owned" since you quoted someone else's problem and assumed that's the end all answer to the OP's problem. Common sense would say to inspect and attempt a fix rather than speculate and sit on your ass looking for a solution that people will spoon-feed it to you so you do not have to do nothing... I think from your own in-experience, your first post on SSA was owned.. By yourself. haha i never said it was the end all answer, but you said to not take advice from someone who clearly could be right... not saying that they are... but it IS a possibility to his problem. no need to rage man.
  5. LauGhNoWQQLaTeR

    Electrical Problems

    did buying a new unit fix your problem? im contemplating bringing it back to where i bought it and trying to get a different/new one Yeah that's what I ended up doing, Mine would do it randomly just shut off then come back on a few seconds later. haha you got owned shizzzon.