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Everything posted by little_yellow

  1. little_yellow

    speaker wire

    ok thats what i though. but i had heard alot of people saying that 12 is too small. would i gain anything by bigger wire? or is it quality rather then quantity?
  2. little_yellow

    speaker wire

    2500rms at 2 ohms.
  3. little_yellow


    hopefully you guys get your going asap. i hate to come on here and say mine are shipped and you still waiting. just because im in a good mood doesnt mean it changes yours lol. these guys do top notch work and yeah its long but it seems like it would be well worth it to wait. considering how many orders they have, they have to be good right? lol
  4. little_yellow


    i ordered 4 bl 10's. i dont think its a glitch i think there actually on the way lol. just gotta get the rest of my stuff finished now. says they will be here next week. ill be sure to post pictures of the finished setup. thanks so much to Fi for getting it out. great work!
  5. little_yellow


    omg i think there on their way!!!!!! lol i just checked my tracking number and it says that it has made it from vegas to cedar city UT. i hope this isnt a glitch. im so super stoked now. i cant wait to have my bass back.
  6. little_yellow


    im about 5 days from a month. he didnt give me a update last time i asked. dont know if he was busy or what but he said he was unable to let me know what was going on. i never got a email about basket delays. i know that it says 15 day delay. i thought it would be easy to wait lol. but im starting to get excited. and slightly anxious. by 15 day i meant business days lol. not regular days. just to clear that up in case there was a miss communication
  7. little_yellow


    im in the same boat waiting for mine to get shipped out. its hit the 15 day period so im checking it more then once a day lol. hoping the status changes on it.
  8. little_yellow


    wondering if i could get a update on mine. I-16892/00 thanks
  9. little_yellow

    build times

    do they mean 10-15 days from order date or 10 to 15 from the date that they send you a tracking number?
  10. little_yellow

    Where is my basket??

    i do understand that Fi is very busy. i do see how it might be nice to have more time set aside to answer questions. i know you do the fireside chat once a week. i cant imagine how busy you could possibly be. someone mentioned they had heard that one person puts out about 20 subs a day. and with a 15 day wait on subs........ can you imagine the production rate and how busy they are? i would love to have a faster response time but also i would hate to talk to 10 different people before i get a answer and have the price of subs go through the roof just to wait mad on the phone. for one or two guys to do the work that they do answering questions with that high of a volume of questions and that much work going on there. my hats are off to you guys. great work. everyone wants the best and they want it now and they would also like it to be cheap. Fi is about as good as you get. great job guys. keep it up
  11. little_yellow

    build times

    well i got a tracking number today. so im thinking they should be shipped out by next week. should have some boom boom in a few weeks.
  12. little_yellow

    Wheres my Sub???

    oh. mine was 550 for shipping and duties lol
  13. little_yellow

    Wheres my Sub???

    i thought the 550 i paid for shipping was bad. but 1000 for two is insane
  14. little_yellow

    build times

    wow. and considering there is a 10-15 day build time. thats alot of subs on order.
  15. little_yellow

    build times

    thats awesome. im getting excited.
  16. little_yellow

    build times

    damn you lol. im not going to get too antsy just yet. i did only order them 5 days ago. i was just seeing what it would take more then anything. i do have some more tweaks to do on my box before they get here and i would like to make sure i have everything done before they arrive.