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About little_yellow

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    1996 dodge ram 1500.
  1. little_yellow

    building a new sub box

    so im looking to build a new box for the blow through in my truck. trying to think of some new designs to make it interesting. is there any benefit to having the subs angle towards eachother? i was thinking having them facing eachother down the center with plexi on each end so you can see the inside. thoughts?
  2. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    also looking into a xs power battery to replace my current second battery. and then going to make another run of power from the front to the back
  3. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    well after enjoying my system this far i have decided its time for the new amp. so far im looking into the crescendo BC5500d. and then going from my 200amp alt to a 300 or so mechman. they should really bump at 1000+ rms each. love the subs by the way. bump hard sound great and gonna be even better with the new power.
  4. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    they do sound better. but it seems like a waste to use 600 on a 1500rms sub lol. ill try to get a video up this week.
  5. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    its about 2.8 net per side so each sub is getting about 1.4 cubes tuned to roughly 33hz. i have a kicker zx2500.1 with a test sheet of 2607rms. so a little small lol and then i have a pioneer AVH-P6300BT.
  6. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    made me sad to cut that much off it lol but it was worth it in the end. i know im in denial lol but i dont want to admit my brand new amp is crap. im looking into a bigger amp anyway. this one is no where near enough. i dont know waht i was thinking lol. any suggestions?
  7. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    chopped it down a full 10 inches. sounds much better. i have to say im very impressed with these subs. they sound great on any song. still making a noise at a certain volume. going to see if has something to do with amp or deck settings. has o be something im missing. thanks for all the help.
  8. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    ok so i redesigned my box. shortened it up 10" off the back. let me know if i should change anything else.
  9. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    built the box for different subs. didnt plan on going with these till i looked into them. and the reason im so dependent is because i have exhausted all my other options. what do you do when you cant think of anything else????? do you sit there with your thumb up your @$$. no you ask for advice. thats all im doing. if the whole setup sounded good before and now it sounds like crap. im wondering why. all i changed was the subs. i have used 3 different wiring diagrams now so i know its not that. i have hooked 2 up in my box so they each had around 1300 rms. not a lack of power. changed the box. when you run out of options you look for help. that is all im doing. im not cutting up my box just to, try it. thats not something im willing to try to not accomplish anything. i would rather have my options layed out in front of me before i start something that i cant go back from.
  10. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    nick keeps saying that its not enough. i didnt think under powering them would cause a problem. but im am powering them way under half so if i get the chance i wouldnt mind getting a bigger amp anyway. im looking into changing the box but i havent really had anyone say weather the box changes will be enough. im not starting anything till i know its going to be enough.
  11. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    i dont think its the deck because if i adjust the bass knob on the amp it changes the volume that they distort at. i would rather sell this amp and get a aq3500 or something along the lines of that. is there any other amps that i could be looking at?
  12. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    im sure you would. so what about the box issue? im willing to fix that right now. are the dimensions correct for the changes that miles made is the port volume going to be correct. the amp going out is not something that crossed my mind seeing as its a month old. what else would you recommend for a amp?
  13. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    does anyone have anything to say about this? i dont want to chop up this box get it all back together and someone mention it wont sound good because i did something wrong again. ill keep a 3 inch gap on the port and keep the back side of the port the same length? i have some time off tomorrow so i would like to start working on it seeing as i have ran out of options with wiring. still confused how its not moving any air out of the port tho. you would think it would move some air. even in the other box i tested it in didnt move much air. but the main thing is..... is that box design change any good? not saying there is anything wrong i just want to make damn sure before i go about working on this yet again. is the way my box goes over the fenders messing with the port at all? just something else i was looking into im kinda looking for a answer from you nick!! lol.
  14. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    alberta near edmonton. i did try running my subs on someone elses system. they made the sound. i tried running 2 of them in a much much smaller box roughly 1.3 cubes per sub. still made the noise. wasnt as bad but could still hear it. ran my setup off 2 rockford subs. i couldnt hear it making the noise. thanks for the wiring diagram. nice to get one straight from the supplier.
  15. little_yellow

    fi bl 10 wiring issue

    i wish you were here to lol. i wish there was a stereo store closer to me. i just dont understand how i cant seem to figure this out. i have done around 15-20 installs and never had a single problem with them. this is my biggest yet but still lol.