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Everything posted by ScottS

  1. ScottS

    Pics of my recent installs at the shop

    Love the planet audio amps. thats all i run in my car. For the price they cannot be beat. As for the Ample subs eh well they good but not 600 dollars good. I would compare them to a ed A series in actual sound and output. Dont get me wrong they loud and they sound pretty decent just not for 600 dollars your dollar is better spend in a brahma or a SE or a XXX I asked because I used to sell Planet Audio but did not get to mess with them enough to get a feel for their amps, but always wanted to try their tube amps Planet audio Tube amps own I have a couple in my posession and I have hundreds at my finger tips which you will see when i get my new online store open Scott Stoner
  2. ScottS

    THE BIG 3

    I say do it all in 1/0 1/0 is cheap if you are not buying an assload of it.
  3. ScottS

    30+ Band EQ's

    Audio Control is the onlly one with a constant Q then again i might be wrong Scott Stoner
  4. ScottS

    She looks good...

    will you rub it its ittching
  5. ScottS

    She looks good...

    lol the red civic (shop car) gets with it. Btw I am starting that car on monday the complete rebuild. Putting in 6 12" XXX with 6 1250d's Scott Stoner
  6. ScottS

    I am the newest n00b...

    this will start a war civic :ph34r:
  7. ScottS

    2004 Competitiors

    lol i am saving my $$
  8. ScottS

    She looks good...

    Yes thats what it looks like why make it look nice when all you are going to do is change it for the next show
  9. ScottS

    She looks good...

    ive shaved where clark hangs out
  10. ScottS

    She looks good...

    for those who dont know this is what I drive daily and this is what i hit the 150.8 on
  11. ScottS

    She looks good...

    shaving is for those who can afford not to buy another amp and yet buy a razor
  12. ScottS

    Pics of my recent installs at the shop

    that is a Formica top then the trim pieces wraped in Vinyl. We still have a long ways to go before we are happy with our work. I feel that my work on this vehical was quite poor..... We will have more to come. Hopefully i wil have time to build on my own car . I have one kick panel done and one door laid out for the F-glass
  13. ScottS

    Pics of my recent installs at the shop

    Love the planet audio amps. thats all i run in my car. For the price they cannot be beat. As for the Ample subs eh well they good but not 600 dollars good. I would compare them to a ed A series in actual sound and output. Dont get me wrong they loud and they sound pretty decent just not for 600 dollars your dollar is better spend in a brahma or a SE or a XXX
  14. ScottS

    2004 Competitiors

    basically its the same as the 24x24 parthenon only with a larger front panel..... If you have never seen the parthenon let me know and i will find you a link. I cant really talk to much about the specific woofer i am getting but it will be different than anything you have ever seen with technology never thought of but will work as its a simple design. the only thing is i need to come up with a surround. and a few buckaroos!!! Thats the nice thing about being sponsered however on this woofer it will still cost me some buckaroo's just not as much
  15. ScottS


  16. ScottS


    quite some time send me pics i am now accepting aplications for your sisters
  17. ScottS

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    tuneing who knows? 12 cubes after port.
  18. ScottS

    2004 Competitiors

    basically its the same as the 24x24 parthenon only with a larger front panel..... If you have never seen the parthenon let me know and i will find you a link. I cant really talk to much about the specific woofer i am getting but it will be different than anything you have ever seen with technology never thought of but will work as its a simple design. the only thing is i need to come up with a surround.
  19. ScottS

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    when dave edwards comes back you guys should talk, lol well we should have a brahma pow wow on here, haha, I think we have atleast 5 members running them daily Yes where is dave aka orionX. I know him from Team AMP. I seen his avatar last night and thats my brahma 10" wanging away
  20. ScottS

    Super Subs

    False opinions ???? wow maybe we should get a consultant before we type to check our taste and opinions
  21. ScottS

    Super Subs

    I personally hate eD but for other reasons other than there sub. However I will say this. IT IS NOTHING SPECIAL. It is a pretty standard driver that will not out do anything in the list above. There is nothing exciting about that. Sure it will get loud as loud as the XXX no. Sure it will sound good. As good as a brahma? no but to each is there own. I prefer natural sound of transperncy. If someone weren't to buy it. Who cares. he said XXX was louder than brahma does that mean the brahma sales are going to decrese? no. Settle down its no skin off your back dude
  22. ScottS

    2004 Competitiors

    98 honda civic ex coupe. currently 8 planet audio 1250'ds 4 1600 cca batteries 2 brahma 15's ss 1-2 wall dB drag. Soon or maybe later this year but def this year. 8 planet audio 1250d's 8 1600 cca batteries 1 36x36 Parthenon ss 1-2 wall dB drag as well as in the same car Iasca Pair of koda's in the kicks pair of extremis ported in the doors down to 23 hz Planet audio Tube power(current) maybe audison. Memphis 31 band stereo eq non-constant Q Denon Z1 sitting already sitting in the shop waiting for the right time . Scott Stoner Fresno, CA SSSE represent
  23. ScottS

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    <----------- newbie hahaha
  24. ScottS

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    Yes i feel i can make that sub go louder easly. Only problem is i normally run brahma's. My wall is set up for 2 15" with 300sq" of port. I only had one amp this weekend so i grabed the mag up. made two plates for my wall to cover the 15" holes and drop in 1 mag 12. Still had 300sq of port Normally this is way to big and it is. I also run a 12 cube box. needless to say i was peaking high 50's low 60's. Just wouldnt peak high. As I have said before If I was in the market to join with a diff company i would deffinatly join with nick. If i drop my box size down to around 7 cubes and maybe only 125sq of port and drop 2500 rms to it i think i can bust out a 155+ Scott SToner