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Everything posted by nathan55

  1. I got the wiring already so would a 2nd run benefit me? I'm running a 240a alt, xs power d3400 up front, big 3 and 2 kitneik hc2400s in the back. Soundqubed 4500. I just hear many different things and not sure if it would be worth my time. Thanks guys
  2. Maybe....lol not really. Sorry fellas. Voltage doesn't drop below 13.1
  3. Or how bout a ground run instead? Lol
  4. Maybe I'll gain a few tenths. My wire is rated at 350a at a 20ft run according too Jon at sky high. My amp is 400a and I highly doubt in pulling 400a with a 240a alt. But ppl say to run another run bc I'll gain and more power, better voltage. Who knows
  5. I see many others doing 2+ runs and it would help reduce resistance but will I gain? Idk