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Everything posted by 05Trailblazer

  1. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    well im still going to buy four of them! thanks for the info anyways! i really cant wait a year without subs its been a whole month!!
  2. bass!! been without it for a whole month!!

  3. hey there a software where you can dowload it and add bass to the songs just like an epicenter but better it dont distort just my 2 cents.
  4. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    well thanks for correcting me. by when will they be out any info on that? The SA v.2's will be worth the wait you are wrong, why would he create a new version to sell along side the outdated older version. Im sure he will finish off his supply of v.1's before he brings out the v.2s
  5. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    if I'm not wrong this aren't replacing the SA version. correct me if I wrong The SA v.2's will be worth the wait
  6. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    im already going to get them fyi
  7. 05Trailblazer

    SA12 Build help

    try using winISD to have an idea
  8. 05Trailblazer

    Setting my Sundown Audio amp gain.

    did you check it with dmm? to see what the output was?
  9. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    where are u located sir?
  10. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    yea i know what you mean on the used and new stuff, but i just honestly like my stuff to be new look new iidk its just been like that since i started buying car audio equipment. by the way thanks for telling about the b-stock, ive seen some decent prices on those amps!
  11. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    i understand just trying to save a couple of bucks but for sure i'am getting them
  12. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    thats too long to wait without bass im most likely going to get them this month coming up
  13. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    i just got from there i believe there like the same price. but i do want something new though
  14. 05Trailblazer

    when is sundown audio going to have some deals on here soon?

    but no 10% discount or something like that sooner??
  15. 05Trailblazer

    Wheres my Sub???

    cant wait to get my subs from here!