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Everything posted by caloriu

  1. have you properly sealed the doors and deaned?
  2. caloriu

    ppi 900.4

    well i guess its worth trying them out seen a bunch on ebay as low as 180 shipped for new . i appreciate the info
  3. anyone try any of the newer ppi phantom amps? im looking @ the 900.4 and seems like its inexpensive under 200 shipped for 145 x4 and active capable . wondering if they do rated and are clean sounding amps ... i know the oldschool ppi were great would like to try the newer stuff if its still decent quality . any info is appreciated
  4. caloriu

    ppi 900.4

    sweet . just curious not many mini amps out there what amp uses the same board of the 900.4 ?
  5. caloriu

    Newb System Advice-Subs and Amp

    very nice...
  6. caloriu

    IA Death Row or Death Penalty

    i ran 18" dps and they sounded great daily never connsiderd them strickly a burp sub . i like them so much i replaced them with 21" and its a daily ride.
  7. caloriu

    budget amps.

    i agree audioque is proven and reliable . i ran the 2200 and 3500.1 both amps take .5 daily and are tanks
  8. caloriu

    Amp repair

    db-r is great no doubt . alot of guys on the forum use http://brandesamps.weebly.com/index.html he does it on the side and is less expensive and has good refrences
  9. all depends on imp load and box rise but like has been said start with the biggest alt you can fit . also do the big 3 upgrade and get a volatge meter to keep an eye on volatge drop if you drop below your battery resting volatge then start with aux batts
  10. caloriu

    new to forum

    hello every one .
  11. caloriu

    new to forum

    thanks you.