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About TravisHardiman

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    Rochester, NY
  1. TravisHardiman

    Test tracks for a new sub install

    Wow, ellipses and another reference to competition. Imagine that. You forgot the popcorn Randal. So far, I am surprised and not on the answers. Obviously goal dependent which you didn't define so that explains a few things. I'd encourage you to think about listening to something that will highlight the integration with the rest of your system as a test/setup CD. Goal: pleasure. Not sure if you took a look at the list of what I had so far or not, but I was just asking for suggestions of music (preferably that has been mastered well with a full spectrum) from any genre, that would take advantage of a subwoofer. Stuff I'd like to avoid is: bass cds, +0db sine waves, songs that have just been slowed down (or chopped & screwed, etc), and the Black Eyed Peas.
  2. TravisHardiman

    Test tracks for a new sub install

    Well I've gotten some great suggestions the past couple days, so I've updated my original Google Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aryg9jg9bq0CdHoxanlwcE1pdmMyYTlMOHlfQ25Nemc&hl=en_US
  3. I'm looking for some test tracks from all genres. I have plenty of hip hop, electronic, and a few metal tracks, but I'm open to all suggestions. Here's the list of what I'm planning so far and what has been suggested to me: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aryg9jg9bq0CdHoxanlwcE1pdmMyYTlMOHlfQ25Nemc&hl=en_US
  4. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    Well according to the Sundown site: I think I do get the gist of what you guys are saying though. Even though there might be a few notes that low, I don't want to focus a huge boost to those frequencies. I just want to hear (or feel) those frequencies rather than have them be overwhelming. I'm not really looking forward to the work required to hone the port down a frequency at a time to determine the correct one.... Thinking back to the last ported enclosure I made, it didn't really sound well with faster double kicks and faster electronic music. I forget what that's called, transient response, or something. To be fair, that was like 15 years ago, and I didn't put nearly as much effort into it. I'm still not that confident of my skills. Looking at how relatively easy a sealed box would be to build, I think I'll just go that route. Thanks for all your feedback guys!
  5. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    Hmm, I can think of at least 3 songs in my current playlist with bass that low: Method Man: Biscuits LL Cool J: The Ripper Strikes Back Nas: If I Ruled the World Also, some of the electronic tracks I have definitely go down that low as well: Fatboy Slim: Acid 8000 Goldie: Inner City Life Ju-Jajuba (probably the entire album) And the FLACs I have of Metallica concerts and LPs do as well. Or do you mean that it's overkill SPL-wise?
  6. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    The pinkish line is the 30Hz that they recommend, although that should've been for 1.75 cu ft. For the other one I just plugged the T/S params into the Butterworth D4 ported formula to get the bluish line. Here's the fixed version:
  7. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    Right, that's why I'm asking here. :-) Unfortunately I have no idea what the transfer function would be, other than it would probably be similar to other smaller sized sedans. Are you saying that I should stick with a ported box and just tune it higher, or that I should go with a sealed box? The SA12's EBP is 55ish, so it could really go either way.
  8. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    I'm not sure what you mean, are you talking about the car's cabin gain transfer function?
  9. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    No I don't have it yet. I'll check those deals out, thanks. I'm trying to stay under $600 for sub & amp.
  10. TravisHardiman

    single SA-12 D4 in sealed vs ported enclosures

    The amp I was looking at was the Alpine MRX-M50. As far as budget goes, I'd prefer to spend less than $300 or so on the sub (excluding box-building costs). Another constraint is that I'd really like to keep the box volume under 2 cu-ft so that I still have some usable trunk room.
  11. I'm planning on adding an amp & sub to my 2012 Ford Focus and am probably over-thinking it. I'm primarily looking at a single SA-12 D4 but I'm open to suggestions. Yellow & white lines are sealed enclosures based on Sundown's specs and a 0.707 Qtc enclosure. Bluish & pinkish lines are based on my calculations and Sundown's specs for a ported enclosure. I was originally leaning towards a sealed box since I was pretty happy with my previous sealed Pioneer 10s at 1cu ft ea & ~250W rms total. Now that I plotted out some graphs, I'm leaning towards the 1.8 cu ft box since it seems to have the best low end response. FWIW, I plan on pushing it with ~500W rms and will set the subsonic filter to 15hz and the low-pass to 100Hz. I listen to a huge variety in music: electronic, rap, metal, classical. I'm not planning on entering any contests, I just want some better bass.
  12. TravisHardiman

    ssa noob

  13. TravisHardiman

    ssa noob

    Hi, I'm new to SSA. I followed a trail of posts from Sundown Audio to here and it looks like people seem to know their stuff here. I'm planning on adding a sub and amp to my car, and thought this would be a good place to ask questions, get my knol on, etc.