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Everything posted by SmallTruk

  1. SmallTruk

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Got the link to this thread from a friend. I had the exact same thing happen on Friday to my SP4. Driving home, volume less than halfway and I start smelling something odd. Finally catch something in the corner of my eye and I see the sub in flames through the plexi window of my box. The fire started on one side of the sub, the other leads were perfectly fine. I could be wrong but if the amp was at fault here then both tinsel leads should have burned (or at least shown signs of damage) and the amp wouldn't have still been playing. Yes that's right, my ball of flames was still bumping until I saw it. Ironic that I am running mine off the same amp as the OP. Gains and everything all set properly and I can't even remember just how many different setups that amp has seen. I need to order a recone too now when I get some cash. Luckily for me as well the amp is still working perfectly fine.