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Everything posted by cloud77

  1. you won't notice the difference, but its not recommended.
  2. cloud77

    PSI Platform 3 motor and basket

    This is why I haven't rebuilt it ><
  3. cloud77

    Which subs should I go with

    SSD's and follow box recommendations on their site
  4. cloud77

    I did something wrong with my box. SSD15

    You didn't get hi-qts option did you?
  5. cloud77

    quick install question

    You're going to have to ring terminal all your wires and directly screw them on to the battery post.
  6. cloud77

    quick install question

  7. cloud77

    quick install question

    My first post still answered this question. Everything will tie down fine with the washer used at the top of the terminal posts
  8. cloud77

    sealed box sp4

    how big was your sealed? how did it sound?
  9. cloud77

    sealed box sp4

    did you end up making this?
  10. XS power just in case you want to upgrade your set up, you'll have it.
  11. cloud77

    quick install question

    There is a washer with the terminals for a reason. The washer and tightening nut with hold them in place.
  12. cloud77

    Xcon 15

    filling in the previous holes would be a good idea even if you are trying to use the same ones, you may miss one.
  13. both amps seem to be working properly
  14. cloud77

    PSI Platform 3 motor and basket

    Price drop: 200 Shipped anywhere in US.
  15. cloud77

    PSI Platform 3 motor and basket

    make an offer for a monster motor.
  16. cloud77

    Reggae music again?!

    I love iration and rebelution. one drop - no good reason is a good tune. Check out stick figure - just another dream
  17. cloud77

    Mirror flex on 750 watts

    you're playing off a stock deck, bro
  18. I'm looking to build clean boxes of mids/highs and a woofer in a waist high tower. I was going to throw matching pairs of infinity 6.5s, 5.25s, and 10" unknowns in 2 towers and an RE XXX v3 in a woofer tower. Before I start building, what do I need as far as crossovers go to connect my mids highs to a 4/8 ohm load. looking to run a 400 watt receiver and a separate amp for the woofer. ANy good equip I can look for? Any recommendations for build or getting started? type of wood that looks really clean?
  19. Your just trying to get your amp sold. There is a section for that you know =]
  20. MMATS amps + success = great feeling.
  21. cloud77

    Reggae music again?!

    yeah won't work. bro.