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Everything posted by johnnylemoine

  1. johnnylemoine

    Soundstream recone

    im not sure at all, its not my sub. im just trying to help out a freind. i thought it was D2 because i think he has it wired in parallel and his amp is only stable to 1 ohm. so it may very well be D1 but thanks alot scott, ill check and make sure that it has 3 inch coils.
  2. johnnylemoine

    Soundstream recone

    bump please
  3. johnnylemoine

    2 SSD 10's fully loaded on an ED 9.1

    he got them from me. i bought them off of ebay. they were really solid comps for only 70-80 bux. i forget wut model they are. he can fill u in more about how he likes them though.