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Everything posted by juicyfruit

  1. juicyfruit

    Got my (2) ssd12 box designed

    BD, wish you were a little closer so I could come check them out in person. I know, I can't wait till next week when mine comes in.
  2. juicyfruit

    Got my (2) ssd12 box designed

    Damn, your posts are fuggin awesome. That's all, carry on.
  3. Yeah, I figure that'd be a good deal but will the SSD perform better with the JL?
  4. juicyfruit

    Price on 2 12" SSD's

    i'll only be giving my SSD 12" with copper coil ~750w rms and it'll be going into a sealed box at nick's recommended 1.1cu ft box. didn't go with the flatwound since at most i'd run 1k watts sometime in the future and the SSD can handle it as others have posted. fi ftw.
  5. juicyfruit

    SSD 12 w/ copper coil for SQ???

    Same as me, just ordered today. Going with Neil's suggestion of 1.1 cubes sealed, should be fan-freakin-tastic.
  6. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    12" SSD with Copper Coils ordered!!!
  7. I'm torn between the 2 really great reviews currently for the SSD and the Q. Primarily, I want an SQ setup as I think it'll get plenty loud in my Suby wagon. Been running 750w bridged to my 2 Diamond Audio 12s sealed and while I would go with the copper coil config with the SSD, the price difference in going to the Q is really not that much. If 750w to the SSD would be pretty loud, I don't think I would upgrade my amp any time soon. But since the Q is touted so heavily, many are happy with their SSD with around 500w but 1000w seems ideal for it. Thanks!
  8. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    My review won't nearly be as detailed as the others I've been reading. I'll have pics of the setup once it's complete and draw comparisons/differences to the 2 Diamonds the SSD is replacing.
  9. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    Gonna order the 12" SSD with copper coil today! Never built a box before but found a tutorial on the Crutchfield site so hopefully all goes well.
  10. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    Was thinking about going 1" on the front and then 3/4" the rest. Think it's necessary?
  11. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    If I go with a 12" SSD, will this box size yield a 1.1 cubic feet? 24 1/4 x 16 x 8 Thanks!
  12. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    Thanks Scott. I'll be going sealed. Ideally, if I could swap out 2 Diamonds with 1 Fi Q/SSD and still retain the same level of output, then I'll be satisfied. It's especially hard to make a decision now because there are 2 really great reviews for both right now. I keep rereading them over and over again, and it's not helping. I wish I could hear what 1 SSD/Q sounds like with ~750w. . .
  13. juicyfruit

    Moving from 2 12s to 1 12-- what to expect?

    Where are you located? It's gonna be uber expensive I imagine to ship this thing out. I have the M3s and would keep them except just seems stupid to have a wagon but no room to put anything. I'm in Livermore, CA, zip 94551.