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Everything posted by Jybfan04

  1. Jybfan04

    Home Theater Reciever

    You Got PM
  2. Jybfan04

    Home Theater Reciever

    So 5.1 it is... I seen a cpl of denon receivers on sale on circuit city website less than 300 but I have no clue what to really look at to determine whats good and whats not good.
  3. I am loving how this sub sounds. Its pretty decently loud and I have my gains turned a hair.. I have dual 2 coils the dcr registered in @ 1.8 on my dmm I have the sub wired down to 1 ohm on my Saz-1500d here is a few pics of the the sub after the recone. Thanks Scott for the recone.
  4. Jybfan04

    2 Tempests

    Thanks as I was looking to see what size enclosure should I use and at what tuning frequency. Looking at the pdf Acoustic-Visions made they had the enclosure at 3.5 cu ft with an Fb of 20hz... I don't mind tuning low but I thought with an fb that low its more suitable for HT use.. So I want a flat output from these subs so what tuning freq would u recommend to achieve this for a pair of Shivas with and enclosure about 5 cu ft..
  5. Jybfan04

    2 Tempests

    What are some of the specs u recommend for 2 12" in a trunk car. This will go in a 1998 Nissan Altima.... My bass race vehice..
  6. Jybfan04

    Speaker Wire

    For your comp sets and or speakers that you have in your doors what gauge of speaker wire do you use and what brand? I was looking at Knukonceptz Karma and Klear wire 12 gauge. Please share what wire you use.
  7. Jybfan04

    Click to learn about the new Mag

    Any thoughts of keeping the current Mag as a different subwoofer?
  8. Jybfan04

    2 Tempests

    So you don't recommend ported enclosures for car audio applications?
  9. Jybfan04

    2 Tempests

    My apologies I meant Shiva-x... I have a saz-1500d for power on tap... hc-2000 in the rear 2 runs of 1/0 Duralast gold up front..
  10. Jybfan04

    Nightshade Pre-Sale?

  11. Jybfan04

    Q or BL

    I agree askign the right questions can lead u to a better response and a better sub as well... I jus wish I had more opportunity to play around with my BL before I sold it...
  12. Jybfan04

    looking for motor

    Aren't too many motors floating around like that anymore... A year or so ago you may have been lucky...
  13. Jybfan04

    looking for motor

    Buy the sub and then blow it up...
  14. Jybfan04

    looking for motor

  15. Jybfan04

    Highest number with RE SE ?

    Nice numbers... Still don't see a pair of RE SE's doing High 40's on a TL sealed up...
  16. Jybfan04

    looking for motor

    Jake has a RE HC for sale which I believe fits ur needs.. But what exactly are you looking for this particular motor to do?
  17. Jybfan04

    Good front stage components

    Good to see another MD resident on the forums..
  18. Jybfan04

    Fi SSD's with 400-500 watts each?

    That is true....
  19. Jybfan04

    Fi SSD's with 400-500 watts each?

    I agree, and I am not sure if that was a design issue with the enclosure that the guy is using or is it an issue with the subs. Also the sub has plenty of coiling options so im sure he won't have any issues using the ssds.. However I want to see somebody do a huge install with the AA Arsenals. I knew a guy with 8 SSD's in a blazer and it was nasty loud..
  20. Jybfan04

    Fi SSD's with 400-500 watts each?

    why not the Arsenals...
  21. Jybfan04

    Reconed my Mass Destruction Napalm motor

    Had to come steal the show huh Chad.. lol But yea it was through his research and experience that I was able to get a recone for the motor and needless to say I have been happy ever since.. Thanks again Chad and Scott...
  22. Jybfan04

    Highest number with RE SE ?

    in a Crx or a wall?? Sure it wasn't an Sx cuz I really dont see a pair of se 12"s doing high 40's on music in a daily box...
  23. Jybfan04

    Tuning frequency of ported enclosures

    In my logical mind I think that it would take the 2 and give you an absolute value for your tuning because the 2 ports both share the same chamber..