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Everything posted by Jybfan04

  1. Jybfan04

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

    Great because a 18 driver will not fit in my trunk...
  2. Jybfan04

    Who wants a FREE DP 18?

    Great! Will do I am interested in IA products just me no have no money...
  3. I guess you guys are all glad you don't live near me. In Troy NY they impound your car and a 250$ fine for the first offense, second offense is impounding, 500$ and they take your "system"... Idk about you, but I have had cars in the 140dB range that when set up for daily you couldn't hear from 25 feet away even if I turned the volume up. Not only is it annoying for other drivers but having music up that loud is reckless, can cause accidents and even deaths. One time I was coming home from a SPL comp and I was playing around, I had a cop car that was following me for over a mile with his lights and sirens on trying to get me to move out of the way so he could respond to a call. You tell me is it worth it to go to jail for evading arrest just because you were listening to your system? Is it worth it to not be able to hear other peopls car horns or emergency services sirens. My point is once your system is clearly audible from 25 feet you ARE too loud. Have you ever sat in a mustang with a shaker 1000 system and cranked the volume? do you notice that you can still hear things around you. The entire reason why car companies are trying to make it harder for us to put in our own systems is to promote vehicle safety, not for us to spend over a thousand dollars or more on their entertainment package. No reason you shouldn't have seen the cop behind you... I guess I was taught how to drive totally different than you.. Have you ever tried to use your mirrors with over 140db of noise in your car. They are utterly useless. (also didn't have a rear view mirror b/c it had broken off at the competition and shattered). I didn't get arrested, I was making a point with that sentence. I don't know about how you drive, but the general routine is checking your mirrors every 30 seconds. We are not here to critique the fact that I was being an ignorant 20 year old kid who was so wrapped up in my system and the songs that were playing that I was just keeping my eyes on the road in front of me. The kind of attitude you just posted was a blatant attempt to slander me and ignore my point. Forgive me for fitting into the "stereotype here." Forgive me for driving like the majority of the kids that shouldn't have a liscence in this country. Forgive me b/c when checking my mirrors (mind you it was daytime) I mis-took the red and blue blurbs a car because that is all they were. EXCUSE ME for making a mistake once in my life. Now lets get back to the point, systems in a car when played excessively loud are unsafe and can be a major distraction. You took it the wrong way buddy... I was simply saying that I learned how to drive more efficient with my side view mirrors since my rear view tilts down and looks completely at the floor while im playing my music full tilt.. So needless to say I can see behind me and on both sides of me..
  4. I guess you guys are all glad you don't live near me. In Troy NY they impound your car and a 250$ fine for the first offense, second offense is impounding, 500$ and they take your "system"... Idk about you, but I have had cars in the 140dB range that when set up for daily you couldn't hear from 25 feet away even if I turned the volume up. Not only is it annoying for other drivers but having music up that loud is reckless, can cause accidents and even deaths. One time I was coming home from a SPL comp and I was playing around, I had a cop car that was following me for over a mile with his lights and sirens on trying to get me to move out of the way so he could respond to a call. You tell me is it worth it to go to jail for evading arrest just because you were listening to your system? Is it worth it to not be able to hear other peopls car horns or emergency services sirens. My point is once your system is clearly audible from 25 feet you ARE too loud. Have you ever sat in a mustang with a shaker 1000 system and cranked the volume? do you notice that you can still hear things around you. The entire reason why car companies are trying to make it harder for us to put in our own systems is to promote vehicle safety, not for us to spend over a thousand dollars or more on their entertainment package. No reason you shouldn't have seen the cop behind you... I guess I was taught how to drive totally different than you..
  5. I feel the same way every time someone blows smoke out there window and i have to smell it... So how come there aren't any laws against that.. I guess my sense of smell isn't as important as someone sense of hearing?
  6. Jybfan04

    Let us not forget

    sweet pics..
  7. Jybfan04

    Coil change on Q?

    You can easily change out the coils on the Q... The gap isn't as small as the BTL where you had to get the Universal Option in order to swap out coils... So switching to D2 shouldn't be an issue..
  8. Jybfan04

    Problems with BTL setup

    Also try flipping the box around to aim towards your trunk lid. Unless things are sealed off you will have major cancellation..
  9. Jybfan04

    From: 5000-watt Amp Thread

    What kind of specs can we expect? @ 12 volts?
  10. Jybfan04

    ATTN: Jacob :D

    Be nice to see a 5k or 7k for your street competitors...
  11. Jybfan04

    MY time with the new Mag.

    Great review... This is really making me possibly rethink the idea of getting some mags...
  12. Jybfan04

    BTL 15 overexcursion

    For trunk cars you will find that aiming the subs forward will sound a whole lot better than subs and port aiming up... Aim the subs and port towards the trunk lid and you will hear a big difference in output..
  13. Jybfan04

    Daytona SBNs lil jons 18 15" CHAOS

    T/S parameters don't lie...
  14. Jybfan04

    Daytona SBNs lil jons 18 15" CHAOS

    Huh? Who told you that? T/S parameters... I don't need anyone to tell me that... T/S parameters tell alot about a driver... Interesting enough I was told different buy the guys that build them. The differences are few, very few. Yea, that may be true the differences may be few but to say they are the same is totally would be a totally different argument..
  15. Jybfan04

    Daytona SBNs lil jons 18 15" CHAOS

    Huh? Who told you that? T/S parameters... I don't need anyone to tell me that... T/S parameters tell alot about a driver...
  16. Jybfan04

    Daytona SBNs lil jons 18 15" CHAOS

    Q and Havoc are far from the same driver.. Chaos and SSD seems to be similar as so does the Mayhem and the BTL...
  17. I have a MK II brahama I may be selling... PM if ya interested..
  18. Jybfan04


    Good to see ya backup and running.. Hope to meet ya again...
  19. Jybfan04

    15" Nightshade D2 T/S Specs

    I sense a double baffle in the making..
  20. Jybfan04


    I have a L shaped Horn that Pete designed for me and its loud.. Can't speak on what it does on the meter cuz I am yet to do that but hopefully once I get me a Nightshade I can throw some numbers out there..
  21. Jybfan04

    15" Nightshade D2 T/S Specs

    T/S for the 12" model are posted on here too if you search around a bit No 12"s... I need a big hefty 15".. Whats the depth on it?
  22. Jybfan04

    15" Nightshade D2 T/S Specs

    My L shaped horn broke my MD / FI Napalm Hyrbid so I am hoping to swap it out with a Nightshade... Specs are looking tasty...
  23. Jybfan04

    15" Nightshade D2 T/S Specs

    I think I want one.. :lol
  24. Jybfan04

    Death in the family..

    Sorry to hear about your lost in the family...
  25. What you guys recommend for an Adire Brahma MK II 12" subwoofer?