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Everything posted by Jybfan04

  1. Jybfan04

    My wall thread

    yeah he had his ears plugged when i was demoing my truck and im not even loud......................yet
  2. Jybfan04

    dbDrag April 28th Glen Burnie Maryland

    Good to meet you chapter 2.... Nice score wit that BL...
  3. Jybfan04

    Fi sweeps the comptition again

    Sorry I didn't know that you even existed there this weekend....hahahaa j/k Yeah it was good to meet you. Hopefully I'll see you out somewhere again. Carlisle isn't that far from you...
  4. Jybfan04

    Fi sweeps the comptition again

    Good meeting you sir and can't wait to get another listen to those protos...
  5. Jybfan04

    Fi sweeps the comptition again

    Yea I was down 2 dbs yesterday and turns out one of my terminals were a lil loose on my kinetik battery.. So yesterday was bad all around especially bass raced I started my volume to low and got bumped out of my class so its ok live an ya learn and that box is coming soon man once I get the money to buy the supplies.. Congrats on the win and I hope to see ya at more future events... ohhh Randy truck is rediculous now for those who know whom I am talking about with the 20 RF t1's 15"S... TOM truck is insane as well and hope everyone keeps up the goodwork throughout the season..
  6. Jybfan04

    Just wondering..

    nice way to turn the post around... :fing34: funny nonetheless
  7. Jybfan04

    setting a amp with your DMM

    But jus not sure what to set my dmm on to actually measure the voltage from the amp.. I can take pics of the dmm if that would help..
  8. Jybfan04

    setting a amp with your DMM

    ok I set it by ear but wanna go back and makre sure where I set it by ear that its not exceeding that voltage and sending that nasty and dreadful clipped signal to my babies...
  9. Jybfan04

    Scott and FI tech

    Yea im not one of those guys who build a system for people outside to hear it however with it being cornered like that it hits pretty darn hard inside don't even know what it sounds like outside the car. All I do know is that I can set alarms off.. but I need some box recs from somebody.
  10. Jybfan04

    Scott and FI tech

    for some strange reason my system hits the hardest when my box is angled like this in my trunk.. Less rattles and everything its almost as if my car pressurizes itself and it doesn't rattle or I just don't hear it..
  11. Jybfan04

    Scott and FI tech

    bump for others to see and respond to this weirdness...
  12. Jybfan04

    FI Q D2 10"

    Thats what I was curious of
  13. Jybfan04

    Show pics of the setup

    Show your pics
  14. Jybfan04

    entering my first bass race

    All doors and windows must be completely closed if im not mistaken don't get this poor guy dq'ed
  15. Jybfan04

    Scott and FI tech

    Also the sub doesn't touch anything for those who may be scared for the poor sub the wood actually keeps it about an 1" or more from touching anything..
  16. Jybfan04

    ATTN Scott and FI tech

    :fing34: like everthing is falling apart in my car...
  17. Jybfan04

    ATTN Scott and FI tech

    Any reason my first SSD with D1 copper coils suspension is way looser than my newer one which is about a month older? I know there would be a difference because of the break in period and that eventually the new one would soften up slightly to sit like the old one but the newer one has a firmer suspension as oppose my old one and worries me that it may be a possible problem with my old sub. I got the first sub in february and the second one in march and have beating on them since day one but the second seems to have a better suspension than the old one? Please let me know what the deal is?
  18. Jybfan04

    FI subs

    Post your setup and what you have been metered at. I have 2 12" D1 Copper Coils 1 hc 2000 1 saz-1500d 4 cu ft enclosure each chamber seeing about 2 cu ft So far I have been able to obtain a 140.6 with my 2 12" ssds but feel like I am lacking somewhere because I know she has more in her... anywho post those setups and scores.
  19. I think the ssds fit the bill...
  20. Jybfan04

    Hd 62 CDT comp set

    I plan on purchasing these soon but need to get a decent amp can somebody recommend me one?
  21. Jybfan04

    Building a ported Pacman Box

    Proper term I believe is ClamShell and they are normally sealed I thought?
  22. Jybfan04

    FI subs

    Once I finish mines up and clean things up a bit I would be more than happy to post pics of my install..
  23. Jybfan04

    Hd 62 CDT comp set

    Yea hope you don't think I was trying to change your mind about cdt hell I never ran em before jus found it odd that you got them for 30 bucks but to each his own glad you are happy with what you had jus was asking to get an respectable opinion as to why you didn't like the set.
  24. I don't want to step on any toes but it would be nice to hear the whole story about Ben Milne the guy who owns ED as I have had thoughts of purchasing ED products.