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Everything posted by Jybfan04

  1. Jybfan04

    Box Design for 15" BL

    Let me know your thoughts My dimensions are as follows: Height- 15 Width- 35 Depth- 21.5 Port Dimensions: HV- 13.5 WV-4.5 LV- 24.75 35 hz tuning... Should wang?
  2. Jybfan04

    BM10 proto pic

    I likes...
  3. Jybfan04

    Free Mag 15

    I think I wanna give it a try.. I always wanted a mag anyway so this may be my chance.
  4. But I need a good pair of tweets to pair up with them and possiby a crossover or I may jus use the crossover on my amp.
  5. Jybfan04

    Looking to make my own Comp set

    yes sir and my A-pillars aren't that wide and plus I try to go for the stealth look as much as possible..
  6. Jybfan04

    Looking to make my own Comp set

    Well if you find anything nice let me know.. I haven't found anything so far because they only seem to have dome tweets which I am not looking for. I am looking for some tweets that I can mount on the columns of my front stage so that I can adjust them as needed.
  7. Jybfan04

    Looking to make my own Comp set

    To add they will be used in the car and thanks JIMJ for the site I will be doing some extensive reading once I leave work in a few.
  8. Jybfan04

    My someonewhat of a rant.

    heard a couple of MX's and i heard no mechanical noise. maybe cause of the invertendess. probably the invertness. Most people don't realise how much "noise" a sub can really produce. i am going to assume its because of the neo motor. it heats up and the way the sub was designed its using that free flowing cooling. cause the noise is mainly coming from the air moving in and out where the coil gap is. Maybe you should make a thread over on the FI forum and ask scott about it? just a thought..
  9. Jybfan04

    Need Spl subs

    I would do either a single 15 or 18 Fully loaded BTL.... 18 if you got the room.
  10. Jybfan04


    some pioneer coaxils which sucks in the midbass department as well. However I am not sure how I will get my highs if I replace those unless you know of a pair of decent tweets that I can use and possible create a cheap comp set using the MLI65 and a decent pair of tweets until I can get my AA set whenever they drop..
  11. Jybfan04


    I am interested in trying a pair but wasn't sure if I could use them in my rear deck as I would like to.. where would be a great place for them?
  12. Jybfan04


    Well my vehicle lacks midbass and I would like to replace my rear deck speakers which are cdt coaxial 6.5 and put those in its place and hopefully find a nice amp to run them on.
  13. Jybfan04

    New Sub in the Works

    I likes the looks of the basket.. Very differnt..
  14. Jybfan04

    SoundStream wont Sponsor Local Competition.

    Hows those scores with PAP products?
  15. Jybfan04

    NEW BTL 18

    Is that Phil Margera?!? Sure looks like him...
  16. Jybfan04

    Want to Order Two BL 15's

    No I am from the US (kentucky) your website for some reason gives me no way of ordering. Do you have a phone number or something? I have tech questions concerning the sub as well. Have u checked the techincal portion of this forum which have stickies with all the options of the sub explained.
  17. Jybfan04

    12" and 15" subwoofer blowout

    I likes...
  18. Jybfan04

    Representin AA

    Nice Altima what year is yours?
  19. Jybfan04

    it's up, the Icon review

    That guy RamRod is such a tool...
  20. Stetsom amps are becoming very popular among the competitor circuit if im not mistaken I belive Alan Dante uses them....
  21. Jybfan04

    Some pics of the lines...

    Does Ascendant still use the split gap technology on their subs?
  22. Jybfan04

    Happy 4th of JULY Debut

  23. Jybfan04


    I didn't have too many problems with running 4 gauge initially when I got the amp but I was only running it at about 2 ohms with the gains set really low. But I suggest using only 0 gauge for 1 ohms or lower. @ 2 ohms on 4 gauge it is kind of cutting it and may be a strain on the amp and ur electrical depending on a few variables.
  24. Jybfan04

    Is something wrong with my 3000d??

    How many batts do you have??? nvm