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Everything posted by almond

  1. almond

    Pure SQ setup

    holy chit, usually the word "it'll buff out" come to mind, but damn that won't even buff out. what the hell did you hit?? was everyone ok??
  2. i don't know if they do, but they have forum at www.carstereos.org also trying getting ahold of shallowfu on www.caraudio.com/forum. he can fix it for a very reasonable price as well. plus there are a couple companies out the can.
  3. almond

    just wanted to share a couple of vids

    i hope rich doesn't mind me posting this. he's been kind of my car audio guru for a while now lol. he designed and built my box for me. notice the rear seats are up lol
  4. so far this is just under 140 on music in the trunk of my stratus. single tc9 12" on about 1700 rms from an rd audio 2200.1d. lol don't mind the plastic bag and here is a vid of the old re sx on the rd 2200.1d. and the re sx at 2400 watts rms did 138.7 at 30 hz
  5. almond

    just wanted to share a couple of vids

    let's see if i can't find rich's vid on the strat coupe doin a lil under 150
  6. almond

    new video of the van

    damn, what are you running in there??
  7. almond


    I would say sealing the trunk off from your cabin is going to keep alot of the bass from getting to you. i would turn the box around and seal it from the trunk. there maybe more options out there but i can see a couple things that will make your new FI purchase even better.
  8. almond

    a little update

    looks good. nice subs too
  9. well actually you can, they may not be authorized but you can. i was actually refering to the xt series if you pm denim i knwo he can get you a good price on them.
  10. i would also say that out of those each brand has their own godd and bad lines. which models are you looking at. also try looking into us amps m2d2 and maybe also pm denim and see what he can get for you on your budget and power needs.
  11. almond

    tc9 recone question

    ok decided to stick with the 12. can someone pm me a price on just the recone kit shipped to 85248. i'd like to try reconing this myself. q coils dual 1.4 three stiff spiders. Thanks!!
  12. almond

    tc9 recone question

    Hey I was talking to Scott about reconing my tc9. he said he could, but i think he has been busy lately so i'll post this here lol. I have the address still from and earlier recone i sent in, can i just send the sub in with a little note stating what i want with my contact info?? or would there be something else that i need??
  13. being how it's only been ab hour or so on a weekend i wouldn't see them answering this just yet. i'd wait until at lest monday afternoon to respond. they are just a little busy.
  14. almond

    1 12" Fi/SX hybrid or 2 12"ssd

    oh, didn't realize you weren't buying them new
  15. almond

    1 12" Fi/SX hybrid or 2 12"ssd

    can't you get them in a dual 1?? that would solve that prblem.
  16. almond


    what are ez locks?? can you ink me to some?
  17. almond


    are you talking sub to box or box to car?? i use the largest t-nuts i can fit into the mounting holes to secure the sub to the box. i also use about 6 (usually) L brackets to hold the box to a wooden piece that i bolt to the floor of my car.
  18. almond

    Your db Numbers

    car: 2004 dodge stratus Electrical:still 120 amp alt stock Amps:rd audio 2200.1d Subs:TC9 based sub Box:rear loading folded hown t-line hybrid Mic:Termlab TL Tone:47 hz Score: (legal or outlaw)138.5 outlaw windows up, mic at the windshield
  19. almond

    Scott need your help on a damaged speaker

    from what i understand Fi shouldn't be held responsible for something UPS fudged up, however in ,ost cases the shipper has to make the claim. But.......then again i don't know the whole story. I do know that FI has been an astounding help to me and my system. Thanks and keep up the great work guys!!
  20. LMAO....."MAN......chit........."
  21. almond

    BTL Wangage Video

    alot of us didn't build our own boxes. i'm sure there was some unforseen source of why he blew a couple. no big deal, people blow subs all the time. he didn't whine or get pissed or anything like that. just took care of it. hopefully he learned and will be able to prevent it the next time it happens.
  22. almond

    my updates

    It's nice to see you continue on even with out the strat.
  23. almond

    TeamSSAudio DBdrag events in AZ

    so if i order something can i come and pick it up??
  24. almond

    TeamSSAudio DBdrag events in AZ

    Hey!! id din't know you were in az. doi you have a shop in Scottsdale??
  25. almond

    tc9 recone question

    uhhh......i'm going to bump this. figured out i can still go 18.