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Everything posted by almond

  1. almond

    More funked up chit

    that sucks. I had a pitt in Oregon. It was probably one of the sweetest dogs i've ever had.
  2. almond

    Calling Arizona!! SQ/SPL In Prescott Valley July 14th

    lol, hey are you affiliated with a shop up there?? I can't make it but i could really use that RTA. I can make it up there on a monday.
  3. almond

    FI Q Recone

    i use a dmm when i set filters, seems to be a better solution.
  4. almond

    FI Q Recone

    also depending on the head unit your using the gain may be a bit high. my eclipse cd8445 with the 8 volt preouts actually sent the amp into clipping with the gain set extremely low. i had to make the adjust mentsat the deck to keep it from clipping. not sure if that helps or not.
  5. anyone have any info, specs, or general opinions/experiences with them??
  6. almond

    A bunch of USX amps cheap on ebay

    I just want to thank you for posting this here, i almost bought the usx-4065 he had, now i'm glad i didn't thank you!!
  7. almond

    Audio setup

    you can alos come up to chandler and hear mine if you want. but it's kind of esoteric. hey acidburn, can you pm me the info for that meet in prescott??
  8. It's a ten with a small crack in the basket, i'm not sure i haven't received it yet. but for the price i paid i'll use it either way lol.
  9. almond

    Name this oz audio sub!!!

    seems to be the lat model of the matrix power series. aparently 31 mm of xmax
  10. almond


    i have a pseudo horn shaped port, kinda?? i guess??
  11. almond

    SAZ-3000ds two mtx9500 or FI btls

    i'm just going to chime in that going to an installer institute is like going to culinary school. when you come out of either you're not king chit. sit back and learn somethings from people who have been in the game longer than you, or I, or most of this board for that matter. ( i'm a culinarian in a 5 diamond restaraunt so i see the whole "i cam from culinary school so now i'm a chef" and then they fail because they thing they are king chit)
  12. i thought the audison was class a/b as well. well either way i went with m5's advice. i bought a nice class d amp and am planning on upgrading my front stage with either dls, audison, zapco, or zed. thanks for the input guys!!
  13. lol well, i need a sub amp first in this situation. i'm probably going to pick up the dls, just because of the 300 rms more than the audison, but i'll acquire it for less cash. specs seem to be about the same.
  14. almond

    myspace addict

    i have one, it's very plain and boring, but i know everyone on there personally. it's good way to keep in contact with poeple over time.
  15. almond

    Dont you hate it.....

    best thing to do is bring him to a comp
  16. almond

    Measuring for resinate Freq:

    from what i've read the distance from the back of the sub to the mic needs to be 3x the length as the distance from the sub to the mic. not sure where i read that, but it stuck with me. anything further than that i dont know
  17. almond


  18. almond

    What do you bump with?

    i use an epic-150
  19. almond

    HiT dEM LoWS!

    ^^ that was awsome in my car earlier this year with the box tuned at 29 hz
  20. almond

    Is this true?

    a square wave is just an extremely clipped signal
  21. almond

    Is this true?

    most of the time people will crank the gains with an under power amp and the square wave will cook it. if to little of wattage killed subs your sub would die every time you turned it down right??
  22. almond

    Sonic FX Q 12" Review!

    lol didn't read that part. thank you!!
  23. almond

    Sonic FX Q 12" Review!

    aren't they tc9 based??