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Everything posted by almond

  1. almond

    im having problems with this forum

    click on the options tab at the upper right hand coner and click on standard view.
  2. almond

    HexiBase 15" Q design

    some of his stuff is unique and new, but most just hasn't really been implamented in a car audio environment.
  3. almond

    DIYMA Recone

    lol sorry man. wow that was quick. also for the price of the diyma i'm not sure if it would be very cost effective.
  4. almond

    "remember me" not working correctly?

    it's you're cookies, my old cpu did the same thing, try loggin in them refreshing the page.
  5. almond

    I'm An Official AA Fanboi

    nice job, looks great!!
  6. almond

    Noobs, listen up.

    that's the only thing that scares me about building a wall. lol the subs either breaking the basket or the screws in a head on or something.
  7. almond

    FI Softparts for Soundstream XXX Motor ?

    try getting ahold of tc sounds. i think it's a tc motor isn't it??
  8. almond

    oz matrix power recone

    shipped, should be there tuesday.
  9. almond

    oz matrix power recone

    maybe she was thinking of a 12 or 15i don't think i told her what size. the 12 and 15 have higher rms figures, maybe it was because of mechanical power handling. either way it's going out today. it will either be there friday or monday, probably. lol take you're time it's not an essential part od my dd yet
  10. almond

    oz matrix power recone

    lol yeah i paid $70 shipped. i knew it had a fouled basket. it's a standard 3" coil. i thought you might have a little info on it. should i just send it in then go from there as far as coils wise?? let me find the specs. it has a three slug motor. it all weighs a little over 32 pounds. and the reply i got FS 35 QTS .33 QES .35 VAS (liters) 17.2 Sensitivity (dB) 90 PE (watts) 600 RE (per voice coil) 2.2 OZ MATRIX
  11. almond

    changing coils

    you just got f'ed in the A lol
  12. almond

    Mach 5 SPL 12 *Video, Pics, and more*

    what does the mag usually do?? lol sounded kinda like a tuba and yes i realize that is the mic, just put a smile on my face.
  13. almond

    done! for now (pics)

    gotta love the european style decks with the volume on the other side, i still have a hard time getting used to the empeg lol. looks awsome though.
  14. almond

    Recone RE SX 15

    not only that but the sx gap is so tight they can only fit the dual 1 ohm coils. they can do a larger btl sixed lead wire and some stiff spiders, but as chad said it will still be an sx with fi soft parts.
  15. almond

    where can i find it?!

  16. almond

    why recone different sizes

    i bought a 10" sub with a busted basket and my car is setup for a single 12 so i want to recone to a single twelve.
  17. almond

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    i wouldn't worry to much about it. try to see if you can get some time on the meter and find a better song or tone.
  18. almond

    t215 rockford vs fi bl15

  19. almond

    Fi Q 18" review!! ITS HOTTT

    how is the port flaired??
  20. almond

    Fi soft parts?

    i've always had good quick responses from fi. my tc9 was even built by a company lol.
  21. almond

    jlw7 vs fi bl15

    i loved mine. wish i could have powered it better. 1000 rms at 4 ohms would sing. the only issue is box size. mine was in 4 cubes at 29 ish hz. for the price though it was awsome.
  22. almond

    Fi soft parts?

    mine sounds amazing, i can't quote you a price though. just post a topic on a price and someone will usually pm you.
  23. almond

    t215 rockford vs fi bl15

    NO DON'T MIX SUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  24. almond

    jlw7 vs fi bl15

    http://www.diymobileaudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4147 better than the w7 and at half the cost
  25. almond

    Fi soft parts?

    looks similar to mine