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Everything posted by MKader17

  1. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    found out my electrical test was 35% of my grade for the semester Faaaaaaaaakk
  2. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    revived my old topic http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...mp;#entry342495 =)
  3. MKader17

    Dorm Setup (Revisited)

    I started this thread 3 months ago and nothing has changed, except I'm actually able to by the stuff I just can't warm up to the whizzer cone. If those sigmas were in my budget that would be the ticket, but unfortunately a little out of range So moving on the the build itself. If you were to do it again Neon would you change anything? I was also thinking about buying a sheet of some kind of wood, then a sheet of MDF, and use the wood on the front and staining it similar to the color of the scheme of the living room and then using the MDF for the rest and painting it black (like the scheme of the room) But I'll probably scratch that idea when I see the price of a sheet of the wood , maybe some laminate instead since thats what the "wood" is in here I'm sure
  4. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. MKader17

    Dorm Setup (Revisited)

    **REVIVED** I'm in the market for some BIB's Speekas (4-6") around $70 per driver is the range I'm looking for. Going to be powered by a 535L through a GTP-450 Can't wait to build
  6. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hell, at least its not about me and I got nothing to hide...
  7. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    arrgghh I just wanted to come back to my room, research some BIB's and chill before workout and now I gots ta deal with drama....
  8. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    T0PPAGE^^^ and off to dinner
  9. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just bought a 535L will use the 450/535 combo until I find a deal on a 400/500. Now I need to order speakas for the BIBz!!!!
  10. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have been convinced that obama is the anti-christ. they always say people will follow the anti-christ for no reason.... ^^^
  11. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <---- Doesn't understand that ^ statement
  12. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bout to get down to studying, exam at 4, quiz directly afterwards....
  13. MKader17

    ssa people

    lol yes
  14. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

  15. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    might just have to save for a plate amp at a later date....
  16. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The cost of the inductors alone would not make it worth it. bah, what is worth it? what's the setup you're looking at? Some 10 or 12 inch sub on 200W @ 8 ohms in the dorm behind the couch (can pull it out from the wall a bit and get quite a bit of space)
  17. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The cost of the inductors alone would not make it worth it. bah, what is worth it?
  18. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What would I have to do to make a passive crossover for a sub. Is it the same as making one for a set of speakers or a whole new ball game because of the higher wattage application?
  19. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    want to make an offer on a 2535 but I can't access my online bank account and for some reason feel really uneasy about making a transaction even though i know I have the money
  20. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    definitely, she should have gone with a less expensive cable
  21. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    New Gatorade G2 is not that great.
  22. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    good enough for me then too lol
  23. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If I run a sub off two channels of a GFA2535 how will I have the sub low passed? I don't believe my pre-amp will do the low-pass for me... sidenote: would it be worth running a sub off 200W with a pair of BIB's? (probably a 4 inch driver)