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Everything posted by MKader17

  1. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So I feel like such a schmuck. I cannot, for the life of me, remember what Pioneer 7" HU I have in my truck. And it really doesn't matter I suppose because I think after this Christmas I may change my route (even though I haven't done nearly a thing this year... Hell, I hardly drove the truck) I'm picking up a tablet PC (Asus Transformer Prime) and my idea now is to use it's HMDI out for a digital audio out (has been done on previous model) directly into my H701 and have a back-up HU for other things. I may just use my old HU. I would consider a new one with XM or Sirius or HD radio but I'll have Pandora, Slocker and iHeartRadio on the tablet. It's amazing that 3.5 years ago I would have made a CarPC for all this, but a Tablet can do it all and better. I'm hoping I can find a good Android Tablet "front-end" to make it even nicer in the vehicle. I wonder how much I can get for my 7" Pioneer...
  2. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is it sad that what I think after getting bored at seeing the half covered boobs is, "damn, those 5 point safety harnesses work really well."
  3. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Orphan 8? I have one if you are in the market for another.
  4. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I tried walking dead on Hulu and didn't get jack out of it
  5. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm also looking for a way that I could put a sensor/timer inside of a ball then be able to activate it from outside the ball without touching it. Then 8 hours later it activates. And Yes I am actually creating (technically) a small bomb, but one hopefully that doesn't explode and only heats up to a high temp.
  6. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hey guys, I'm looking at getting some gun powder to test stuff. any good place to buy online or should I go local.
  7. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He seriously didn't have a better before pic on Facebook?
  8. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not calling you out Aaron, but I would love to see some evidence of that documented somewhere.
  9. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ugh, Damn it. I cant find anything for my project. I was trying to estimate the elevation in temp/pressure if you were to ignite gunpowder in a small ball under ground but I can't find anything to make some equations work....
  10. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Alright science people, my brain stopped working. If I have a hollow ball whose shell is made of a very strong material and I push it down 5000ft under water does the pressure inside the ball increase? At 500 ft the ball surface does not change in any way.
  11. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I say dump him anyways. You sell good subs, he sells crappy subs. Its nice enough you let him use your forum for business.
  12. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I turned off sigs and avatars for work years ago and have never turned them back on.
  13. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well Android has SO many different hardware options, all make for compatibility a bitch. Iphone is an iphone.. no different. makes want to get rid of my android phone and go for an iphone (again). I'm not giving up on Android. The new version (Ice Cream Sandwich) is coming out and it will really standardize the software between tabs and phones. I think that will really help. Though, I think I'm going to grab a tablet and built a mount for it so that I use it as its own stereo. Will jsut have to find a way to get Digital audio out. Ironically, I already know how to do it on an ipad...
  14. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fudge that awesome. Best hing about iphone is the 3rd party support I was so tired last night I only remember typing half of that.
  15. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fudge that awesome. Best hing about iphone is the 3rd party support
  16. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is that what you ended up with or just found those? Another option is just powder coating the stock ones black. Finally found something that doesn't have a shit ton of chrome. Werd, Chrome don't get you home! Unless you are using Chrome to browse Google Maps directions to your house...
  17. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

  18. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Though I wish we could delete duplicate BS like Xor Y threads
  19. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You wouldn't like where I went to school then. 3 days is a long time for an 8 pager. x2 <<<<< never wrote an 8 pager We used to write 2500-3000 word papers every 2 weeks in one semester. And my 55 page diploma project was written in about 10 days... wow, so was that required to graduate? Yup, 50 page minimum. And the 10 minute presentation was worth more than the paper + actual project. Hour presentation for mine and another hour to defend it One of a couple reasons I went to business school rather than engineering; projects were never more than 10 pages minimum, 45 minutes to present, maybe a half hour to defend, distributed amongst 5 people. 10 pages is a breeze in Engineering. Our labs every week were 8 pages and a 2 25 pages in the semester. With graphs, equations etc... it is really easy to fill up that much space
  20. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know a few points is undetectable by the human eye and makes a good amount of difference overall. Using the find/replace feature is your friend.
  21. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like my freshman year of Chem.
  22. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    60 years of evidence, wow, that is definitely conclusive 1 degree over 60 years????
  23. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not really. Mostly college students around here and we all live in the city.
  24. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who gives a shit. I got a walther p22 and a springfield xdm 9mm. I do the same shit. I meant .22 rifle Guess yall meant that too. lol. Well my old roommate (girl) used to date the guy that works at the range. I might have to go check out what guns they have available and see their rates.
  25. MKader17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who gives a shit. I got a walther p22 and a springfield xdm 9mm. I do the same shit. I meant .22 rifle