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Everything posted by zshortcut

  1. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    SSA lists 4cf. but I'd think you could be ok with as little as 3cf. I didn't know you had these installed already. do you have a pic? How does 22" deep sound? 16x33x22. I haven't quite got the details down yet, but it should end up close to 4cf. i actually dont have any pictures at the moment, its nothing special, small wedge box, i have them firing toward the seats and the box is sitting at the bumper, amp on top. nothing special but it gets the job done, thats why i'd like to build a ported box and make it clean and legit looking, turn it back around so people can see them too
  2. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    That little of a difference isn't going to matter much. WOW, the box i have now is 2.58, going to 2.70 isnt gunna make a difference :/ so now its like ported or nothing... Why would you want to go from 2.58 to 2.7? im not gunna, that was really stupid of me, i was calculating my box TOTALLY wrong and it seemed like there was a difference but i see now there is none. i really want a ported box, but how do i calculate the cu.ft of a ported box? If you run Windows, or have a way of running Windows programs on your Mac, I would highly suggest getting the Torres' Box Tuning Calculator. You put in your dimensions and it does all of the calculations for you. If you don't know what to put in a specific field, go to the help menu and any questions should be answered. Good luck! i've tried downloading that before, for some reason the download always fails
  3. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    That little of a difference isn't going to matter much. WOW, the box i have now is 2.58, going to 2.70 isnt gunna make a difference :/ so now its like ported or nothing... Why would you want to go from 2.58 to 2.7? im not gunna, that was really stupid of me, i was calculating my box TOTALLY wrong and it seemed like there was a difference but i see now there is none. i really want a ported box, but how do i calculate the cu.ft of a ported box?
  4. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    That little of a difference isn't going to matter much. WOW, the box i have now is 2.58, going to 2.70 isnt gunna make a difference :/ so now its like ported or nothing...
  5. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    i have a Crunch 1100watt amp 2 channel if it matters? um...the box i have now is 15" deep and i can get it in fine, how close on Cu.ft does a box need to be? my buddy has one thats 2.85 and optimal for these subs is 2.70, is that to far off??
  6. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    that would be AMAZING!! um... depending how difficult it looks lol, i have a carpender buddy that might help the biggest it can be is: 33" wide 15" high and depth is free rain for you i have two Icon 12's. i'd like the box to be ported but if its to difficult then a sealed box will due too.
  7. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    thats pretty far lol would you mind making blue prints?
  8. zshortcut

    Need help with box for a couple sa-12's

    so am i looking at 3- 3" aeros ? idk lol remember im shopping at home depot so what should i be using if you guys ever get the blue prints for this box, i want the same thing for my car, that vid is sweet!
  9. zshortcut

    i need help with box design

    where do you live Duane?, if your around my area i would love for you to build it. if not i would love for you to design it! and back to the sizes, its gotta be 16" high cause 17" wont fit to get into the trunk, 33" wide max! and depth is free rain, i dont care how much it comes out. I'd REALLY like to have a ported box but i dont think thats a choice for such a small space.