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Kenny Pollock

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Everything posted by Kenny Pollock

  1. Kenny Pollock

    Trade in?

    I have two 15" SSDs with copper coils... they've sat in their original packaging for a while now, never used. I don't have the space for 15s, and want to go with 12s... and I've decided on the Qs now. Any way to trade in and add money for them?
  2. Kenny Pollock

    Some pics of the lines...

    Scott check your emails! The lineup is looking great, the Havocs are pure sex. I'm curious about pricing, and if my Kicker ZX1500.1 would severely underpower a pair of 12" Havocs. The birthsheet is only 1550.
  3. Kenny Pollock

    Scott MIA from 6/30 to 7/08

    Check your email dude, need to place an order... but questions need to be answered first!
  4. Kenny Pollock


    You ordered at a bad time... holidays and new warehouse acquisition... Scott should be back in business tomorrow.
  5. Kenny Pollock

    Trade in?

    would you be interested in selling them? Yeah, $180 shipped each
  6. Kenny Pollock

    Trade in?

    18" RL-p, 4 cubes sealed.
  7. Kenny Pollock

    Trade in?

    Tell me about it. If my subs sell, I'll just buy your 18.
  8. Kenny Pollock


    Hm... Looking at your 18, it says it will do well in a sealed enclosure ~4 cubic feet? That'd be awesome, thats about the amount of space I have to work with. Worth doing or should I just go with a smaller sub? Also, what are the power possibilities? I have a Kicker ZX1500.1... not sure if I should get a 2 or 4 ohm driver, impedances own me.
  9. Kenny Pollock

    Sealed box for SSDs?

    I have two 15" SSDs with copper coils, going to be running them off of a Kicker ZX1500.1. I don't have a lot of room to work with after I reinstall the back seats of my truck and all, and I was wondering if anyone has had experience running them in a sealed enclosure? What's the smallest I can afford to run?
  10. Kenny Pollock

    Sealed box for SSDs?

    Good idea, thanks, talked to him. Gonna try and squeeze 3 cubes sealed per sub, 2 cubes minimum.
  11. Kenny Pollock

    Sealed box for SSDs?

    Tom Rourke in PA? Maybe I'll give him a call if that's who you're talking about...
  12. Kenny Pollock

    Cleaning Subs?

    I used alcohol on the dust cap without any problems... but that's just me. I cleaned the cones of my BTLs with a magic eraser when CA glue fumes turned it white... cleaned the cone back to new, it was amazing.
  13. Kenny Pollock

    Did a little revamp to Dad's "EXPLODER"

    Looks awesome, I loved that box in person... and you're right, not inverted looks better!
  14. Kenny Pollock

    thank you Fi and scott!

    Good luck with the shipping! It's nice to see that Fi is catering to international bassheads.
  15. Kenny Pollock

    Future problem encountered

    The story of my life! The new universal option on some of the subs is a great option. I'm not sure about the Qs, I didn't think that you could recone them to a different impedance. If not, sell it and buy a new one.
  16. Kenny Pollock

    Wall v1.1

    Sucks dude The rebuild will be MUCH sweeter... just make sure you have access to the rear suspension in case you need to change a bag or something. Who's bagging it?
  17. Kenny Pollock

    Fi at SBN Daytona and delays

    You didn't go Tom, did you?
  18. Kenny Pollock

    Port Area for SSD?

    And that thread says NOTHING about recommended port area. Sorry, I remember a thread pre-crash that had the recommended enclosure size and what they generally recommended for port area, I didn't bother to read that thread.
  19. Kenny Pollock

    Possible Changes to Warranty Policy

    Not sure if my memory is correct, wasn't it manny?
  20. Kenny Pollock

    Port Area for SSD?

    There is a thread at the top of the forum... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7156
  21. Kenny Pollock

    Fi at SBN Daytona and delays

    Scott, you're going to this? I know Shawn is.
  22. Kenny Pollock

    Kenny and Fi

    Just thought I'd chime in... haven't been around any forums lately, and I haven't talked to Scott/Nick/Shawn for a couple of months. I'm glad to see business is still booming. I purchased my first 18" fully-loaded BTL in August I believe... waited for my 20.1 to come in. Got the 20.1... and we built a 10 cube ported box, tuned to 30hz in the trunk of my 1996 Chrysler LHS. I gained close to 6 decibels going from an 18" SX and an Orion 1200D to an 18" BTL and a 20.1. My buddies Tom (forceofwill) and Robin (iamamp3pimp) with the BTL: After a local show (not sanctioned): It was loud, lasted me a few months... but then I had the desire to do a wall. It started out as a small idea, but quickly things came together. I got together with my friends Ruckus and Tom and we started to build a wall. We didn't do enough research, and before the wall was finished, we knew what we did wouldn't be sufficient. I got together with Tom weeks after and following advice of someone else, we went to work on a 9 cube box for the wall. After it was half done, we realized how small that really was.. and Scott advised me it would probably be a failure. I had made the commitment to go to the CarAudio.com Florida meet on December 30th... and we were already quickly getting into December. I was talking to my buddy Jon Kent, the owner of Epicenter Designs in Bradenton, FL about my car and what my goals were. I wanted a 150 decibel daily driver, and I wanted an indestructible wall. He told me he could meet the deadline, so I got my car up to him and he got to work. I did a lot of research, and got advice from a lot of people... Shawn, Nick, Noah, TommyK, Scott... and I passed on everything I could to Jon. Jacob from Sundown Audio supplied me with a sponsorship and I picked up four SAZ-1500Ds from him. Scott got me the second BTL. I took a bus up to Jon's house and stayed with him for a few days and finished up the wall with him. I drove up to Shawn's place, bought some batteries from him and he helped me out with the battery box. We didn't test the coils, and wound up blowing a BTL... no one's fault, just a combination of things overlooked. Scott did his best to get me a recone quick, and I attempted my first recone. It was a success! I had reconed my first sub, and it worked great. I purchased a DMM and everything necessary to remedy the situation a few weeks later, and I got to hear the wall fully-functional for the first time. I took out the TermLab and tested different things... and, well, let the pictures speak... What happened? The car couldn't handle everything. The transmission started slipping and leaking transmission fluid, the power steering fluid was leaking, the rack and pinion needed to be replaced, the A/C was leaking freon, the sunroof was popped out from the pressure and the car had so much additional weight in the back that my exhaust was scraping the road. I sold everything, and purchased my dream truck... a 2002 Chevrolet Blazer, one I had admired for months. I just got my 15" SSDs (with copper coils) the other day, and I'm planning my next system. Let's see how loud a Blazer can get!
  23. Kenny Pollock

    Kenny and Fi

    Yes, it was more then adequate. I had a dual 1 BTL wired at .5 ohms to the 20.1
  24. Kenny Pollock

    Kenny and Fi

    Ha, Tom's Blazer is a little loud... I was in it! I want to see if when you're done with it Shawn, before Tom even knows what you're doing with it
  25. Kenny Pollock

    Kenny and Fi

    Thanks, I've been a member for a little bit... had a bunch of posts deleted since the crash.