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platnum accord

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Everything posted by platnum accord

  1. platnum accord

    Back seat box, need tips/pointers

    a wall is not an option. i would rather do a box then make a wall.
  2. platnum accord

    best enclosure tpe for a honda accord

    ok new development. amp is now going to be a sundown 1500d as i finally could afford it, but im still to poor for the TL to do some testing. so the amp is huge and the subs i am going to be getting (hopefully) if my dealer buddy pulls through is 2 clarion pxw1552's. fudge the trunk im building an enclosure where my back seats are, but not a wall. im thinking like 3-4 cubes per sub witha whackload of port area. which is yet to be determind based on im still looking to find out what frequency my car peaks at. so if anyone has that info post it up right away please. so yeah, any tips or tricks as of now would be great. amp should be a week or 2 away and the build should be whenever homehardware gets in more sheets of mdf for me...
  3. i drive a 2000 4 dr honda accord. i was just wondering like who has built what type of enclosure, and what they have tuned it to to get best LSQ reults. currently i have a small 800Wrms amp on the way. subs are still under debate. what would pound hard in my car and what would you reccoment for a sub, under the 400 dollar price range.i am on a budget.
  4. platnum accord

    sundowns 1500 vs kicker 1500

    im going sundown hands down. hehe. jacob is an awsome guy and i have sent him emails with no topic related to car ausio and he still responds.
  5. platnum accord

    sundown sub?

    sexy. just read the whole thread and cant wait for the sub.
  6. platnum accord

    sundown sub?

    i thought there was some dvc one coming out that could take the power from 4 saz15's or from one saz3k
  7. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    the drum is wearing out bahaha
  8. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    i cant wait either hahaha!
  9. anyone have a link to the ts specs and parameters for this driver? i cant seem to find a link to them or a email addy to get in contact with clarion. im not really interested in a phone number. any help would be very much appreciated as i want to model these drivers in winisd.
  10. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    the one i just finished.... its kinda junk but oh well....
  11. platnum accord

    bm mag weight?

    who has them for both the 10 and the 12, i couldnt find it listed on the si webbie, maby i just dont know where to look.
  12. platnum accord

    Blues Man song

    does anyone have this song? realm vid could you send me a link of where to get it on the net or possibly send it over msn?
  13. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    haha, i was trying to say as much as possible with as little as possible. i like that last one but the letter spacing is off :S
  14. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    its all for fun right. i mean no matter who wins everyone will get experience. here is one i just drew up. needs work.
  15. platnum accord


    is that a 12 or a 10?
  16. platnum accord

    best enclosure tpe for a honda accord

    yeah true enough. i dont have any money for big badass drivers right now, so i just want to gather the materials. would 1600Wrms split to 2 subs be able to do 140?
  17. platnum accord


    oh no doubt, thats a big bitch of a sub... god dam!
  18. platnum accord

    MAW-10 Home Subwoofer Project

    got a video of how it performs? and if it rattles things lol.
  19. platnum accord

    wow, dead PB forum...

    what happend to the power bass support. where did it go lol i had a couple questions about your equipment but i guess since there is nobody here to answer them i am sol. booerns.
  20. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    lol, i got 2 done, but i have like 4 variations of one haha.
  21. platnum accord

    wow, dead PB forum...

    yeah, thats crap. was seriously interested in their 3xl drivers
  22. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    have at er on paint! you could end up winning.
  23. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    post edited
  24. platnum accord

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    haha. i just stubled upon this and was wondering a few questions and if these things matter. is it going to be in color or black and white. basically will it be a single color silk sceen onto the dustcap? does it need to be basically a 2 demensional object like as if you were looking at it on paper? sorry for the error, edited!
  25. platnum accord

    best enclosure tpe for a honda accord

    haha thought i corrected that, but it comes up the same every time. i want to basically do sq but i need to be able to do over a 140db's to get full points on part of it. or it was a 139.9 or something. i have looked into tonality, staging, all that stuff, and i think i could get it done but i jus need somethine in my car that will hit over a 140. if i can get it done with as few subs mids and tweets as possible the better