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platnum accord

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Everything posted by platnum accord

  1. platnum accord

    Did I get special MLIs?

    maybe i should get a set because one of my pg's squels like a mad/frightend pig.
  2. platnum accord

    "Super Q"

    well i thought that the q was the sq sub that fi makes. i was confused by that. but i presume any fi sub gets loud lol.
  3. platnum accord

    Free tone generator

    wow.... just wow. thanks tips i know what they are. i was wondering if anyone found them on the internet where the rate is said before the tone not for definition.
  4. platnum accord

    Free tone generator

    has anyone found a cd or a site that has tones where they say the rate. like i see thats toxic bass pete guy has tones that say 35 cycles. does anyone know where to get a cd like this or download tones that say the rate?
  5. platnum accord

    (4) Q18's Walled **opinions needed**

    >= like that. subs angled towards each other with the port in the center.
  6. platnum accord

    The different Mags through the years

    stolen? exlain more please...
  7. platnum accord

    Team Decal

    sexy. thats all.
  8. platnum accord

    just sad very sad

    this is like forcing children to read depictive book like "night" by elie wiesel and other chit like that for social class. we had to read it, most of us sis not want to but the cless ended up being forced to. reading something likw that will make you really think twice about letting an event like that happen again. someone said beat them fakkers down, i agree with you. i think the most fitting end to a story like this would be to make them od on the drug. but not a lethal dose 1 time. multipal times where the doce is harmful but not lethal. send a message to the rest of the world that chit like this cannot be tolerated.
  9. platnum accord

    New Mag proto pics

    claw mag just came out? or was that a while ago.. or am i dreaming or just a retard... you pick lol.
  10. platnum accord

    Some pics of the lines...

    what happened to the avalanches. i herd those were amazing.
  11. i think the main problem with the pb 3k is that terroids short out on the base of the heat sync plate. i herd an owner say the terroids are just too tall for the heat sync it comes with.
  12. platnum accord


    and i have chromies. he dont
  13. platnum accord


    ok well there is nothing wrong with amp except for the fact that it draws soo much power them most accessorys in my car turn off when the amp trys to hit a real low note. my deck will shut off and so will my radar detector, which is hooked into the ciggy lighter. so im wondering what i should do, im thinking that its from having a lack luster electrical system that is not able to supply the car, and the amp with all the current needed to keep everything running smoothly. the odd thing is the car itself will run just fine with no problems at all. so i was wondering if i should run the subs at 8 ohm each for a 4 ohm load so the amp will draw less untill i can afford some electrical upgrades... or should i just say fudge it and leave it the way it is and see if the problem corrects itself and just keep the remote knob on min. the deck has loud option off. yes its a sony... or is that the problem... eff sony? opinions and insights would be great thanks in advance. mike.
  14. platnum accord

    this is cool. trained goldfish

    fuggin wow. thats cool. maybe the fish have digested large amounts of metal and someone is able to manipulate them from under the table?
  15. platnum accord


    ok well this thread got jackked! haha kidding but yeah i have a chit load of room so i think im going tp try to tuck a g31 under the hood and a g31 or 2 in the trunk as well.
  16. platnum accord


    well i have a stock alt and a 450 cca group 35 lead acid batt. i think i might have to upgrade....
  17. platnum accord

    Honda accord

    yeah well i neex more pixors of the build but i was to into it to stop and taxe them after each step lol. so... i got nothing really dont in terms of logging my build hahaha!
  18. platnum accord

    sundown sub?

    when was it coming again?
  19. right on right on. yeah that war was on cca and that site is full of total arsehos. so almost everything i have herd or learned from that site needs to be changed because the people here have way better information. nice. i wish i could afford the 15000W defib style amp lol
  20. platnum accord

    sundown sub?

    anytome jacob uses "ridiculously" it has to be good!
  21. platnum accord

    2 maw-15's

    use one for testing and burp it till it dies. its not like they cost an arm and a leg... not to be sarcastic but it would be fun lol.
  22. platnum accord

    Dumb question, but how loud will it get

    140-150 first try maybe with that wattage. with better tuning i would say mid 50's. or are you looking for a pure musical setup? if on music i would say 150 area give or take, with the right song...
  23. platnum accord

    Honda accord

    k well... more random pics of upgrades i have been doing during my free time at home. start of big 3. the start of some kick pods. well door pods actually. and my buddy kyle seeing how roomy my sub box is.
  24. platnum accord

    sundown sub?

    what? you cant tell im excited brad... jeez. and nice. usa made products = less hassel in terms of shipping. nice.