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Everything posted by tprj82

  1. tprj82

    new team SSA build. 2 zcon 18s on 10k. 159.5db

    I may need to meet this buddy of yours when my build time comes lol, if you guys ever need a hand give me a shout I'f im free i'll be glad to stop by and help with whatever i can, even if its just running down the street grabbin some beverages
  2. tprj82

    What hapened to Sean from FI

    ^^^ truf, I just spoke with him monday or tuesday night? wasnt sounding to good from that surgery. On a side note his fi cell number doe not have vm on it, and his personal number is usually full, but if you do catch him he has terrible service with it at home
  3. tprj82

    Fi's new website

  4. tprj82

    Fi's new website

    I know they had to hurry up and release this site earlier then expected, there are still a few kinks to work out but scott, shawn and crew are working on it still
  5. tprj82

    All Pm's to me

  6. tprj82

    Melting Speaker Terminals - Fi SSD

    Thanks for your input bro, I will look at this as an opportunity to get a better alt. That's where most of the wire burning is taking place. In between battery positive post to the fuse block I've taken it out the terminal and the wires just fall off as I pull on it thats how crispy burnt they were, from other side of fuse block to amp just a little bit toasty, put off a little dust in the air when rubbed. not TOO serious. I'm going to try and get a nice alternator though if I replace it. I want it to be up to par for a future build if moneyflow ever allows me to, lol. Something that might allow about 5000 watts . But that is where most of my problems originated, under the hood. the alternator charge wire to the battery etc... <--- I would have to maintain these wires under the hood, replace battery to fuse block wire quite often to keep the amp running due to not enough voltage reaching it I assumed....Thanks man:D on a unrelated note man you live out in nowheresville, i was like wtf is franklin, you dont ever come down to the houston area for shows do ya?
  7. tprj82

    Team Fi audio?

    you moving to vegass?
  8. tprj82

    Team Fi audio?

    hey man, how have you been? family doing well?
  9. tprj82

    Team Fi audio?

    the og's minus meade of course
  10. tprj82

    Let's see some pics!

  11. tprj82

    My van and new toys!

    and who are you? you new around here?
  12. tprj82

    Let's see some videos!

  13. tprj82

    hey nick

    Im new to car audio, is fi any good? or is it just some stuff some wv / va boys use?
  14. tprj82

    hey nick

    to the others i was just messing around I do know a thing or 2 about fi 06db drag finals random vid from back then my finals run that year
  15. tprj82

    hey nick

    Dang sweet thang. Been a minute since i've heard from you. How's things brother? been crazy starting life all over down here, but starting to look up again, how have you been? whats going on in the life of cappin morg?
  16. tprj82

    any BTLs in NJ?

    i know randy has some down in md, there wasnt to many people in philly with fi when i left
  17. tprj82

    FI sign in newbies too

    im new to fi, what can you guys tell me about the company
  18. tprj82

    2 SSD 15" in sealed box?

    i have ran 8 15" ssd's 2 cubes per sub with about 700 or 800 watts a piece on them and they slammed
  19. tprj82

    fi louds

    that hurts mang im pleasently plump but i dont have kankles man, i wasnt going to say anthing but nick was gioving frankie directions on monday thats why we got lost
  20. tprj82

    fi louds

    when they coming out scott :P im sorry i had to, it was good seeing you and pol again, and nice meeting chris i hope you guys finish up his vehicle soon, did you guys get out of houston before the rain hit?
  21. tprj82

    fi louds

    a little joke, scott knows of it, i will probably be banned for saying it
  22. tprj82

    Fi stickers

    big fi stickers ftw
  23. tprj82

    What would you do (or have)

    with that power i would go with a pair of ssd's or a modded q or bl, pair of q's or bls wont have enough power, and you should wall your blazer like i did
  24. tprj82

    Fi X availability

    hit up shawn i know he had a pair of x 12's laying around for a while
  25. tprj82

    thanks scott

    Is there any update on this situation? Also hows everyone liken them so far. pics of say called light grey shirts?