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About harold

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  1. harold

    Time to Leak SI Info....

    ah it's no problem at all i was just curious that's all. thanks for the response though. can't wait for some 8's.
  2. harold

    Time to Leak SI Info....

    when the new woofers come out..will they be accompanied by SI's speakers? I am interested in some 307 comps, but it was just a thought that popped up. Also is there any other products SI is planning on releasing soon..anything at all?
  3. harold

    is this clipping?

    troubleshooting? please expand and give me some things I could check by myself and where they would be located...please keep in mind I have never installed nor do I have any knowledge about installation of this stuff so be as detailed as possible. If you need to know what wire or anything like that just ask as I do know that much. Help is greatly appreciated guys thanks.
  4. harold

    is this clipping?

    so none of you think it's a problem with the amp?....shows how much the best car audio shop near me knows...they said it is a problem with the amp. should i just have them check all connections and everything since they installed everything?
  5. harold

    is this clipping?

    well about a week ago my 15' mag started to play periodically. this has continued and every morning it turns on for about five seconds then turns off for a couple minutes then back on and so on throughout the day it will turn on and off periodically. nothing is wrong with the connections and i know it's not the sub or it wouldn't be playing. i assume it's something to do with the amp which is an audison srx 650 watt amp. is it clipping or what and do i need to return this amp to it's authorized dealer or what please help somebody.
  6. harold

    Question about the Mag

    650 to 1 15'' ...sealed
  7. harold

    bad box ideas

    hoss [and anyone else who has heard both], do you prefer the sound of a magnum ported (to say 30hz) or a 2.0 cu ft. (somewhere in the area) sealed enclosure both with say 650 watts?
  8. harold

    Mag #'s

    1200 watts?.... i saw the wall but i thought for sure you had 2kw+ to hit 150. but dam 1200? that musta been one sick wall.
  9. harold

    I feel bad for my Mag...

    i know it was a lot but exactly how much? i would guess 800 maybe 1k?
  10. harold

    I feel bad for my Mag...

    are you kidding me? 3kw is sick, i have 650 going to mine and it gets plenty loud for me. how do you like that hammer? and how much was it after shipping?
  11. harold


    gotta love 8's:)..
  12. harold

    my sorta new install (pics)

    very clean install i like it. i'm tempted to build me a ported box myself. right now my 15'' mag is sealed in about 2 cubes what kinda difference of output am i lookin at say 3 cubes 30 hz?
  13. harold

    Pics of 15" install

    I'm saving up for one as we speak. Figure since i'm only 16 i'll be able to get enough for the down payment and whatever by the time i'm in college. Will be able to get about 8-10k out of my maxima and I can earn about 2k over the next three summers. Should be one hell of a fun time in that evo with the mag.
  14. harold

    Vitamin D2!!

    may be a dumb question but that isn't the way your leaving the mag all crooked are you? other than that it looks sick.
  15. harold

    Pics of 15" install

    Evo with magnum = . Ever lost a race in that thing?