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Everything posted by element

  1. element

    What to look for in a car audio battery?

    I've always known them to be. Grey is usually good for about 1,000 amps on its own, add blue to the mix, and you'll have yourself a whopper
  2. element

    Nightshade 15" Pics

    Sounds great, I look forward to seeing how it does with quad 1500Ds beatin on it. Lookin good!
  3. element

    Sundown amplifier damaged my automobile

    That WAS some unreal flexing. And Jacob..... duuuuude.... let's see that woofer!!!!
  4. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    * Contest closing date is April 30, 2007 And the days keep craaaawling by....
  5. element

    How to determine amplifier output

    Dependes entirely on the amp. Some won't change power output at all with a drop in input voltage, they will simply draw more current at the lower voltage to make the same power. As far as CEA specs go, IMO worthless for bandwidth limited amps since CEA specs use 1kHz for the rating freq. Most Class D sub amps won't play above 250-300Hz. A 1kHz spec isn't really going to tell you anything there now is it. I never knew CEA used such a high frequency... I thought they were in place to prevent such unrealistic practices
  6. element

    Difference in batteries.

    I've heard good things about these batteries too... apparently for the price they're a solid choice, although I've never used them
  7. element

    Fun night..

    Good story grim. It's nice to see that you didn't drop to his level and stayed polite about it all.... THEN laid down the hammer!
  8. element

    the calculations

    I think I'd opt for two ports if they're only 4". It'll be a little less port area then a single 6", but should be about right. I believe the rule of thumb (and also as Fi recommends) is that you should go with about 14-16 times the net volume of your box... so let's say 14 x your 2.5 box would yield about 35" of desired port area. Two four inch ports will put you at 25", which is fairly close... if you use aeros as mentioned then it should be perfect. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. element


    I'm gonna guess "high, low, and lots of pros". MAN I've got rhyming skillz
  10. element


    I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I can't wait to see more
  11. element

    Wallpaper teaser

    I'm out of E-town too, ALBERTANS, UNITE!!!
  12. element

    remote question

    It controls bass boost doesn't it? I could be wrong... As you can tell I've never really bothered with the things either.
  13. element

    1st test run for the new setup

    If only more people would adopt that attitude, it'd be a much friendlier, welcoming "sport". I give you credit.
  14. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    Very cool stuff king... all of it. I'm especially diggin the top right one.
  15. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    Right on, thanks!
  16. element

    New Prototypes! Pics.

    That'd be great... I'd love to trade up my pair of 1500d's for one, and pick up another... Will this be possible? EDIT: I just saw those internals, that thing is siiick!
  17. element

    So my alternator is hosed

    Viperoni, didn't you juuuuust do the big 3 to boot? Weak!
  18. element


    Sick! Talk about excursion
  19. element


    Very VERY cool. I'm pretty sure I need one of these, I look forward to videos.
  20. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    On the other hand, I've gotta say I DO like most of the logo's I've seen so far. I've gotta say that I like this one best... Why? Because it's mine!
  21. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    These both look almost exactly the same as EFFENDI's, except without the transparency... I wouldn't say EXACTLY, but looking back yeah, they did turn out sorta close. It's kind of coincidental though because my girlfriend gave orders on that one including colours and position, without seeing anything else in the thread. There are a couple of aspects that set it apart it as well, check yo-self
  22. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    Okay I got a trial of photoshop just for this very occasion... Never used it before but I'm sorta getting the hang of it. Here's my proto revamped: And another one: A little different:
  23. element

    Mach 5 Audio Logo Competition

    I banged out a proto logo today for fun on paint. Maybe with time and another program I'll pursue it (ie- actually use straight lines ahahah) BEHOLD THE POWER OF PAINT lol
  24. element

    A Quick Test

    Thanks all, I look forward to improving and putting up some big numbers
  25. element

    A Quick Test

    Over the last few days I was home and able to run a couple tests with my gear. I was pleasantly surprised to see these numbers when I clamped my pair of SAZ-1500Ds strapped at 2 ohms (1-per), car on with factory alt, off of a little 600CA battery: ~3,100WRMS I built my first attempt at a box strictly geared towards SPL, and after tinkering with it a bit worked up to a score of 146.0 dbdrag style, using these amps and two 12" RE SXs out of a saturn trunk. Just figured I'd share the results... I have big plans for this summer once I get a hold of a new battery and some time to build/test.