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Everything posted by the727kid

  1. Know this is probally a hard question.. but what would be a good starting weight for someone not too strong?
  2. the727kid

    12s or 15s?

    I will have ~5.4 cubes and 87" of port. What will get louder/perform better, 12s or 15s? BTW they will be BTLs with ~3kw each. I know it would be starving for the 15s, but not sure if the cone area would conteract that.
  3. the727kid

    12s or 15s?

    No I don't have the box, it is just designed, and that is pretty much the biggest box I can build for my car. It is tuned to 32hz, port length of 34.7" 39w x 16h x 24.5 d
  4. the727kid

    12s or 15s?

    Yea that is with all displacement.
  5. the727kid

    12s or 15s?

    Well the box size is a lil over the reccomended for the 12, and right under the 15... so not exactly sure what route I would like to go.
  6. the727kid

    BTL Tuning Question

    Just picked up one my BTL motors, plan on getting another soon. And I am working on a new box as well. I will be giving a Sundown3000 to each BTL, my question is can I safely tune the box low? I wanted to tune around 29-30hz but I have been told tuning that low with that much power on them is not a good idea.
  7. Whats the name of the 2short song?
  8. the727kid

    adding a litte SQ sound to my BL madness

    Yea I'd say horns and 7s.... I run CD1pros with a pair of 7s in each door with my 15" BLs
  9. the727kid

    Aero Port help

    Alright, I want to switch to Aeros from my slot port to give my subs some more airpsace (2 15s with 5.5cubes is a little small for me).. anyways could anyone help me out here, I know how to design a slot port but not a aero port. How many would I need to get proper port area and the length for say 31-32hz? Box is 38.25wx16hx24.5d
  10. the727kid

    dust cover is warm... how hot is too hot?

    I've gotten my dustcaps pretty warm before. Yet again they were warm to the touch before I even pkayed them (damn FL heaT)
  11. the727kid

    Design Question

    I don't care, I don't do competition, I just care about loudest to the ear.
  12. the727kid

    Design Question

    Alright considering pickin up another sundown 3000, and it got me thinking of bigger subs. Anyways, how does subs up port back work in a trunk car? I have 2 15s now, and considering 2 18s, but the subs would have to be facing up for this to work.
  13. the727kid

    I'm almost ready

    So loud you need the excedrin? Lol.
  14. the727kid

    New Heatsink

    Any way people with the older 3000s can upgrade to the better heatsink, I can use all the cooling I can get when summer comes, it is probally 100+ degrees in my trunk.
  15. the727kid

    PS3 and Wii games

    MGS and Drake's Fortune are on two different levels, Uncharted is good, but not that good.
  16. the727kid

    PS3 and Wii games

    I have the same issue, I don't know what games to get. If you have never played Guitar Hero III, I would say pick that up, probally the game I play most.. and it's tons of fun if you got a badass HT setup. I also play NCAA 08 Football all the time, much much much better than Madden, dunno if your into sport games though. The beauty of the PS3 is being able to download demos. Drakes Fortune, Assisans Creed, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank are all badass games, but not worth buying IMO. I will only buy a game I can play over n over, and all those you can beat in a week. COD4 is probally the best shooter game out IMO, and graphics will blow you away (hope you got a 1080p lcd to really enjoy it). As for RPGs well I did research and bought Elder Scrolls.. I haven't played it much, doesn't seem like my type of RPG.. I wish they had FF12 for PS3. I plan on trying out Devil May Cry 4 soon, I think it comes out this week. But 3 definate future buys for me are Metal Gear Solid 4, GRand Theft Auto 4, and Grand Turismo 5.... go download the trailer for GT5 and be prepared to be blown away with the graphics.
  17. When I use that calculator for 2 ports, is the port length combined between the 2 ports or per?
  18. the727kid

    3000d shipment update

    What's the difference on the xovers for the 100.4s?
  19. the727kid

    3000d shipment update

    Man I'm glad I picked mine up at the last minute, thx again Jacob!
  20. the727kid

    best amp for a bl 15 fully loaded????

    very true. i have a sundown 3000 for the pair of my bl 15's You ain't the only one lol. Check ya PMs.
  21. the727kid

    Website down?

    Can I get the cutout on a 12" please?
  22. the727kid

    Website down?

    Oops, a 12" version
  23. the727kid

    Where is Fi

    That's a slow reponse time IMO... like I said in my other thread my buddy has been trying to get a recone price for at least two months now.. if not longer. Still not as bad as Image Dynamics though. I been blowing up there phone, trying every extension they have and can not get a hold of anybody... haven't got emailresponse from them either.
  24. the727kid

    order question??

    Good luck, my buddy has been trying to get a price on a re-cone for like 2 months now : \
  25. the727kid

    Getting Quiet :(

    Getting used to the BLs... so got a ?... well first off the rear deck is cut out in the center already to allow more air into the car (rear seat's don't fold down). When I had 12s I had a box design with the port facing up but put in the old box with port facing foward and it was louder that way. But with that design there was ~ 4" gap between the port and the cutout.. If I designed a new box that had say aeros coming out right to the rear deck, or just the port designed to fit flush in the rear deck think it would get louder? But I've been told the issue was I have to completly seal off the trunk from the car to make it work.... any input is apprecited.. thank you .