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Everything posted by the727kid

  1. the727kid

    Build Log

    Both runs are connected to the battery. BTW, try adding a few more runs and see how well it helps, as of right now I don't even need an alternator really .
  2. the727kid

    Build Log

    Everyone else is doing one so I figured I would too. I am only going to show pictures up to right before the final install, since I am re-doing that Wednesday. The HU, love this thing been a very nice HU to me. Some pictures of the equipment 2 12" BLs, flatwind and cooling 2 Sundown 1500.1s All the equipment + my old subs 75 Feet of 0 Gauge (not including the 25 feet already in the car) First off, building the false floor. Had to raise it up on 2x4s to make clearence for the batteries. Running the 0 gauge, I actually managed to fit 3 runs of it down one side of the car Everything just about wired up Carpeting the Floor More pics coming Wednesday Night! BTW: Some pics of the doors being deadned: At the beginning: All deadned:
  3. the727kid

    Build Log

    Yea, I thought I mentioned that above the picture lol. We are going to make a new panel today.
  4. the727kid

    Help with a Q

    I have a friend with a Maxima and a 5 cube ported box?
  5. the727kid

    Build Log

    Box all done... First attempt it wouldn't fit, so we had to build a new false floor that was thinner and shorter. Got it in though Any bigger and it wouldn't of fit! Making a template for the false wall False wall in, one of the cuts got messed up so we are making a new one tommorow.
  6. the727kid

    Build Log

    Box all done... First attempt it wouldn't fit, so we had to build a new false floor that was thinner and shorter. Got it in though Any bigger and it wouldn't of fit! Making a template for the false wall False wall in, one of the cuts got messed up so we are making a new one tommorow.
  7. the727kid


    Hey, just seeing if it would be ok to have your logo etched into plexi for my trunk.
  8. the727kid


    Hey, just seeing if it would be ok to have your logo etched into plexi for my trunk.
  9. the727kid

    SAX-250.2 Proto Pics

    Looks bad ass, I may have to stick all Sundown for my next car again lol.
  10. Lmao VJ you get a hard time no matter what forum you go to.
  11. the727kid

    Recone DD9500d?

    Hyrbid 9500BTL FTW I think DDs recones are very expensive and you have to find someone authorized to recone.
  12. the727kid

    Excited thats all

    I'm sure that will crack 140, I was doing 139 on music with a single Eclipse TI in a VERY sealed off trunk.
  13. the727kid

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    Would you want final install pics only or a log of pics?
  14. the727kid

    Fi at SBN Daytona and delays

    Ocean Center? I believe that is RIGHT next to my hotel.
  15. the727kid

    Fi at SBN Daytona and delays

    Where exactly is SBN held at in Daytona?
  16. the727kid

    Q15 numbers

    Well how much power your giving to it now? 2dBs with only turning up the amp would be hard to do unless the gains are almost all the way down.
  17. the727kid

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    Well here is the old set up. I am building a new box and paneling everything off. (False wall, floor, sides, ect.)
  18. the727kid

    Rides section on SundownAudio.com

    I have my old set up with 3 sundown amps, but my new setup should be doen with suede and plexi soon.
  19. the727kid

    SPL Theory Q

    Then let me re-phrase me question, what happens if you break 194dB and the port wind is not in excess of 720mph? Would it simply be as if any other metering?
  20. the727kid

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    Alright appreciate it, I will post how it all went once it goes back in.
  21. the727kid

    Kenny and Fi

    Hey I see my amps! Lol, looking forward to pics of the Blazer tho.
  22. the727kid

    Building/Shipment Status

    Eclipse TIs come with a set of 8 screws, bad ass screws at that.
  23. the727kid

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    It's like 3 feet.
  24. the727kid

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    Since I have everything out right now should I switch to 8 gauge strapping the - terminals or will 10 gauge be fine.
  25. the727kid

    SPL Theory Q

    So what if you reach 194dB and the sub is not moving faster than 720mph?