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Everything posted by the727kid

  1. the727kid

    Quick Question for you Shawn

    1500 including batteries. You got to add up all your fuses too, that will get pricey. I have 3 fuses on each of my batteries at $20 each it can add up. (one before the main battery, one before the kinetik, one between the battery and amp)
  2. the727kid

    Quick Question for you Shawn

    I'm not Shawn....but. Alt - $350 100 feet of 0 gauge - $250 Kinetik 2400s - $325 each
  3. the727kid

    Amazed with Fi

    Good chit. Makes me want to buy an SUV lol. I can't wait to get my BL fixed (just got the parts today ). Any idea what you meter?? And also if you can find a good deal on 0 gauge do multiple runs directly to the batteries + and -. I have 2 runs of + and 2 runs of -. One of each going to each kinetik in my trunk, my voltage stays pretty damn healthy in the back (above 13 sittin my driveway).
  4. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Loaded BL, ~1900 watts, umm wtf how this happen? And how do I fix it?
  5. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Alright appreciate it very much!! After examing the subs a lil more I think the issue may have been the felt padding wrapping around tinsel lead. I can't wait to have these babies back in, didn't really start missing them until I put the old TIs in lol.
  6. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Bump, Scott did you get the tinsel leads out?
  7. the727kid

    Sundown 100.4 Question

    Sweet, active, dual midbass here I come
  8. the727kid

    Sundown 100.4 Question

    Is it possible to do 100x2 @ 4ohms and then 160x2@2 on the other 2 channels?
  9. the727kid

    BLs vs. DMX Stage 2

    What it says, I have an oppurtinity to change the subs out. I have ~2000rms to work with per sub, just curious which one would be louder and if the DMXs can get low, cuz the BLs don't get the lows I want. '
  10. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    How much would it be to recone to 15s?
  11. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Alright you have e-mail.
  12. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Cool, I think have an understanding of things a lil better now. How much it would it cost for a new dustcap and lead, and how hard is it to do?
  13. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    So say at a 2ohm load 2000watts would be nothing for these subs. But at a .5 load, beause of the less resistance it more harsh on the subs?
  14. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Haha I did read, but his first response to me was I was clipping all hell out of the amps.
  15. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Yea, I know it basically that. I'm just pretty sure they weren't clipping, but just couldn't take the power.
  16. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    I never "got happy" with the volume knob it is set to 60/80 and I maybe turn it to 62 at most on weak bass songs.
  17. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    So would cooling the amps significantly help? I have 10 computer fans laying around waiting for a home.
  18. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    It's barley up at all lol.
  19. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    That's the thing though, when I first put them in I had the gain set higher, then on the rebuild I set it probally ~7v lower and it was quieter, but I was like w.e and it still happened.
  20. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    Stage 2s here I come then lol.
  21. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    So if I unstrap the amps and run each amp at .5 (I cant run a 1ohm with my configs) you think they will be good?
  22. the727kid

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    I set the gains with a DMM to set at .375 (even tho amps see a .5 load) and they did not sound like clipping at all. I've read other people saying these subs can't handle that much power either and getting pretty hot at 1600rms.
  23. the727kid

    BLs vs. DMX Stage 2

    Well they don't have ALOT of play on them but the suspension is WAY looser than it was when i first got them.
  24. the727kid

    Build Log

    Qs? I have BLs, but I am selling my TIs, which from what I have heard pretty equal to the Fi Qs.
  25. the727kid

    Build Log

    Everyone else is doing one so I figured I would too. I am only going to show pictures up to right before the final install, since I am re-doing that Wednesday. The HU, love this thing been a very nice HU to me. Some pictures of the equipment 2 12" BLs, flatwind and cooling 2 Sundown 1500.1s All the equipment + my old subs 75 Feet of 0 Gauge (not including the 25 feet already in the car) First off, building the false floor. Had to raise it up on 2x4s to make clearence for the batteries. Running the 0 gauge, I actually managed to fit 3 runs of it down one side of the car Everything just about wired up Carpeting the Floor More pics coming Wednesday Night! BTW: Some pics of the doors being deadned: At the beginning: All deadned: Some pics of the box build....should be done by Sat night at latest... BTW this is a very complicated box, the port is lifted 3" (doing a false floor) to clear the amps but the subs get that extra 3" for airspace. Specs are 4.8 cubes after displacement @ 32hz.