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Everything posted by the727kid

  1. the727kid

    Getting Quiet :(

    Yea probally right about the aeros... I could make an extended port and slide in from the top and seal it but still have it removable.
  2. Basically I cannot get any pre-out voltage from the HU for the sub-out. With volume all the way up on a 50hz tone pre-out voltage is ~.69 (tested directly at the HU). Put the leads on the mid output... .69 as well. Put on a 1khz test tone.. DMM on mid outputs... 3.69... on sub with 1khz.. 3.69. So basically I'm pretty sure nothing is wrong with the actual pre-outs but I am missing an option or control on the HU completly. I have the Subwoofer set to +15 and it's set on Subwoofer system 1. The Crossover and PEQ don't have the level turned down on the sub... so I am
  3. the727kid

    yeah.. baby....

    Damn.. sounds sick... gunna have to come hear that when its done!
  4. the727kid

    BL vs. 05 XXX?

    How they compare head to head?
  5. the727kid

    BL vs. 05 XXX?

    Thanks for the input Got a steal on a XXX wanted to know if it was worth getting another and trying out.
  6. the727kid

    career in mobile audio

    It is a joke.. I still consider my self on the newbish side to car audio and I passed the MECP without breaking a sweat. I love audio so I plan on staying in the field tho, liek they said work towards some type of degree to get you into higher up in the audio world, above installing.
  7. the727kid

    Dayton audio 1000watt amp on sale today only!!!

    If only it was 2 ohm stable..
  8. the727kid

    9887 Help

    Set at 80hz on the HU, flat slope, level at 0.
  9. the727kid

    9887 Help

    Get output voltage for sub Fqs. On a 50hz tone it only puts out .69v..........that is EXTREMELY low... on a 1khz tone it puts out 3.69... 3 volts more is a big difference.
  10. the727kid

    9887 Help

    Yea I know it's a duh thing I gotta figure it out... bass notes on any rca output are that low and 1khz are hgiher...just looking for help from people with some 9887 experience I guess.
  11. the727kid

    electrical systems

    No cuz you only getting 500watts out of it.
  12. the727kid

    what would you bassheads do for a charger install

    Ran a 12" BTL in my buddys charger off a ZX2500.1... got pretty loud .
  13. the727kid

    9887 question

    Why wouldn't you use the 9887's xover?
  14. the727kid

    Help Please

    Didn't measure voltage of RCAs, voltage at amp was ~12... my kinetik has been sitting for a while so it needs to charge up still but electrical is hc2000 n hc2400 2 runs of 0/1... don't have an alt yet. And amp is grounded directly to the frame.
  15. the727kid

    Help Please

    Alright got my SAZ3000 in today, all installed.. went to set gains and couldn't get any voltage out of the amp.. 39volts is what I got with gain all the way up.. aiming for 50 (3000watts). Lowpass was set fine, subsonic wasn't set too high, bass was on the HU. Pretty stumped right now. Also the subs are at 1 ohm.
  16. the727kid

    Switch Amp around?

    Is it possible to switch the casing around o the amp, so the RCAs are on the left side? Also Jacob I need two speakers screws for a 100.4 please
  17. the727kid

    Switch Amp around?

    Yea I figured that... the number will be pretty much hidden so no biggy. I will send you an e-mail right now.
  18. the727kid

    Showing off your Fi Subs

    Back when I had a pair of 2 12" BLs in the Caddy.. my boys jumped in the back seat, they wanted to hear it. I put on "Trap or Die"... and if you know this song you know at the start of the song there is the heart beat.... well they thought the heart beat was the actuall bass and they were like thats not that loud... then the bass hit and started freaking out haha my friend was actually crying... they were high though lol. Also later on with the BLs... leaving Daytona from spring break we were on International and I was bumping and we got stuck at a light and right as I turned it down some lady came out and said thats not loud at all!! and ran in and shut the door lol... I think she was mad cuz her store windows were flexing nicely . White Girl FTW.
  19. the727kid

    Shirts??? Stickers???

    Any chance for a discount on them when I order 2 more BLs?
  20. the727kid

    Shirts??? Stickers???

    When will hoodies be ready for order?? It's starting to get cold here... starting to get into the 60s . Black with white logo would be sweet.
  21. the727kid

    12inch BL or Q

    I'd go for a BL
  22. the727kid

    Sd-1 Question

    How well would these perform in a HT setup? Thinkin about 2 12s off 500watts. How do they compare to Fi SSds?
  23. the727kid

    What to do?

    I'd say 4 L7s would get louder
  24. the727kid


    For 15" BLs what is the ideal box size? I know on the 12s it was 2.4 @ 32, which performed great. What about 15s though?