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About kenny7231

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  1. kenny7231

    2-12 btl box

  2. kenny7231

    2-12 btl box

    how big of a box should i build for 2-12 btl? It will be powered by 2-40.1, i was thinking 4 cu at 35hz bad idea?
  3. kenny7231


    [email protected] best bet is to email him...
  4. kenny7231

    Scott,Nick, or Shawn: GOT A QUESTION

    scott added a the aluminum pole chamber to my 15 sx. I had it on my 40.1, took the power pretty well.
  5. kenny7231

    2-15 RE/FI SX Hybrids, 40.1 VID!!!!!

    hmmm would have to try it.. but it might be hard
  6. kenny7231

    2-15 RE/FI SX Hybrids, 40.1 VID!!!!!

    yeh theres a good bit lol.
  7. kenny7231

    2-15 RE/FI SX Hybrids, 40.1 VID!!!!!

    ah best bet is to take to scott... but it ran me like 140 ish for recone custom work etc. thanks kenny
  8. kenny7231

    2-15 RE/FI SX Hybrids, 40.1 VID!!!!!

    sweeet, what does it hit? just curious, it looks loud as fawk! ah last time i metered i did a 150 on young jeezy ( air forces, jeezy the snowman etc.
  9. kenny7231

    2-15 RE/FI SX Hybrids, 40.1 VID!!!!!

    ah its like 4k rms.... lol it does some rattling lol
  10. Here is my vid of my 2 RE sx that scott reconed... Scott did some custom work added a pole chamber and cooling to my sub.. also the btl tinsels... Well the box specs are 9 cu before sub and port displacement... 7 cu @ 35hz after sub and port displacement.. Thanks again FI CAR AUDIO... Scott ill get in touch with you about the recones for my mt's