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Everything posted by sa5150

  1. got the shuffle to work and my wifes samsung android phone . the sound is so low , on the shuffle it's terrible . So i bought a booster for the aux at radio shack improved a little but not even close to getting any real bass . most mp3 under 192kbp sound bad.
  2. I was hoping someone could help me out trying to figure out where to get this part other then woofersetc . (NAKAMICHI RCA 3PIN CONNECTOR) They charge $50 for a $2.00 plug in . Is this something that nakamichi head units use only? I have never seen the rca from the back of a car head unit like this . I bought my unit cd400 a pretty long time ago and can't figure out why the third one for the AUx was not included in the box or the place i had it installed (which is now out of business) lost it .Now i found woofersetc selling one for 50 , pretty crappy since the rca on the nak units are junk . This units is rated at 4volts , No way does it have that much . I tried a few places like radio shack , they did not even know what i was talking about (No surprise there) . Anyone have any ideas how to get something like this or make one would be awesome . thanks .
  3. Hi , I was lucky and found the original in a plastic bag stored away for years . I guess the shop never installed it . Sorry to have put down woofers etc (Where i bought my cd400 from ) , but my bad experience with them in a email was i asked for a lower price on the Nak Cd500 (which they claim has all the problems the cd400 fixed and plays mp3 without a aux ) is Nak is not in business in America anymore and i don't think in car audio at all . They said there thriving and prices would go up jan 1 2012 . They also when on to tell me just buy another new cd400 . Thats rude !!! I told them i had many issues with the cd400 skipping ,cd's getting stuck ,pre-outs not 4volts as they claim and they ask me to spend another $300 , I would have liked the cd500 at a discount for the bad head unit . The best they can do on the cd500 was go down $10 bucks . really for old discontinued products from a manufacturer that has no warranty and basically does not exist , There web sight is gone also . .. Anyway glad i did not have to give them woofers etc another $50 for the cable . You can get it direct from woofers etc and they sell the same on ebay and amazon . there the only place on the entire Internet that has these . I guess they think they can charge a fortune cause of this . http://www.amazon.com/NAKAMICHI-STEREO-PLAYER-CABLE-PLUG/dp/B0049JORI4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1315605126&sr=8-1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/NAKAMICHI-STEREO-CD-PLAYER-RCA-CABLE-PLUG-3-PINS-/120603842950?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D2666930892585616922 Does anyone know if you can use the Aux to use from a android device ,Ipod shuffle or is it just mp3 players ?
  4. I was wondering how you remove this topic i started , after a long search i found the cable . If the moderator can remove this thread so no one wastes there time on my post . Thanks !!!
  5. Nakamichi does not even exist anymore in the USA and there web sight is out ,they are almost for sure out of busniess for car ausio if not everything . the people at woorfersetc.com are a bunch of that sell defected merchandise. Stay away from there Nakamichi products thet will not stand behind them . the support team from woofers are very rude. and nak Singapore looks like there gone too . So lets charge a premium for discontinued merchendise and nothing to back it up if it goes wrong and who cares about old custermers , Make them pay 3 times as much for cheap cables . lowest form of car audio sales on the internet . They sold me a defected Nak and in return want me to purchase the same unit again . F -%$#$***&^ jerks . poorest shop ever.
  6. Nakamichi does not even exist anymore in the USA and there web sight is out ,they are almost for sure out of busniess for car ausio if not everything . the people at woorfersetc.com are a bunch of that sell defected merchandise. Stay away from there Nakamichi products thet will not stand behind them . the support team from woofers are very rude. and nak Singapore looks like there gone too . So lets charge a premium for discontinued merchendise and nothing to back it up if it goes wrong and who cares about old custermers , Make them pay 3 times as much for cheap cables . lowest form of car audio sales on the internet . They sold me a defected Nak and in return want me to purchase the same unit again . F -%$#$***&^ jerks . poorest shop ever.
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/120603842950?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 here is the pic from the ebay add
  8. I will get them installed in the next few weeks and post to let everyone know what there like . They were just added to Massive audio's sight . I would have bought the Image dynamics but there out of business and no one was saying much about them so i could not wait . Anything is better then the Hifonics i had ...what junk .
  9. Just wondering what would anyone pick Hertz HSK Image Dynamics CTX65CS Sounstream RF -60c ARC FD6000 Boston Acoustics SR60 Audison Voce AV X6.5 I do not have anywhere to try any of these out Also . Is clipping protection necessary ? It seems to be in most high end componenets . My Old Orions Hcca would do this and it was'nt that loud .... Any one know of components around $200-300 great for SQ and handle lots of power .
  10. Well i bought something finally LOL ,Just picked up the New Massive Audio CK 6 Stage 5 .
  11. Awww . More good stuff . Hybrid Audio Technologies Imagine looks pretty darn good . I also found this one for about the same price DLS Ultimate UP6i - 2-way 6.5" System Any input on speaker material paper treated seems to be better for SQ the DLS are aluminium cone . I found sights that go over the cone materials but don't really get into detail about quality . Poly seems to be something i would not want , Glass fiber,kevlar and other fibers seeem to be good ?
  12. Does anyone own these components ? The have a closeout deal on these only a few bucks more then the ctx models
  13. Hey all , I wanted to thank everyone who has helped in answering the many questions i have asked . I know some of the stuff i ask is repetitive and people are probably tired of newbies on the board . I'm not actually a newbie but i have been out of the car audio hobby for quite sometime . there a lot of nice and informative people here and i appreciate it . my car is a mess right now with my door being torn off and now having to re-dew my front speaker system and sound deadening , plus all the installation charges are going to add up big time . So while i have a budget i also don't want to jump on a cheap pair either but my budget is around $200 since the install of everything is easily going to double that to get it done right , When i blew the last 2 pairs of speakers a while back i ended buying a crappy pair of Hifonics zues components and that was a big mistake . The bravox I'm going to look at and the Hi Vi from madisound looked good though i'm not sure about the rated 50rms is quite low . The massive audio ,beymas and ID ctx are high on my list still , Hope I'm not asking too much but would anyone even consider MOREL MAXIMO ? When i got to that store today and seen the many brands i was hoping for i was set to buy the ID ctx at a good price but They wanted to sell me 2 times as much Hertz speakers , So i went home with more questions then when i entered the store . It sucks they could not audition for me more then just the 3 brands they had on there sound board , it was like being teased we have cool stuff but we will sell you $500 speakers only . Also in my previous post I'm not putting down hertz and maybe it was just the cd they were playing but are Hertz known for unnatural sounding speakers , The Vocals were awesome but the music was very metallic sounding not smooth ,Nor was there much mid-bass . The plus was they did not distort and got very loud. The guy there offered me a pair slightly used for $250 very tempting , New at $400 way over my price range . I'm really curious about those Morels at the moment . Is a big magnet of any importance as the ID were very heavy and the Hertz were very light , Sorry if this is a stupid question . But the guy said usually the bigger magnets are for power handeling . That does not make much sense then cause the focals,Hertz and alpines he was pushing were pretty small .
  14. I put off buying the beymas set after reading the reviews to listen first , I did find a shop with a very big selection of some really good brands , Unfortunetly all they had for show was Focal,Hertz and Alpine . They had 15 brands of stuff for sale but only three to try out . After hearing the hertz at $600 list best price offered was $400 they sounded very unnatural , The focals were brighter cost even more and the Alpines were pretty dull sounding . Leaves me back to to guessing again . I was told the ID ctx series was no where near the quality of hertz but i can get them for $160 again i could not hear them . Same with the beymas and massive audio , They had them under $200 but can't compare how they sound . Everyone raves about Focal ,Hertz yet they did not sound all that great to me for that amount of money i have heard better (but thats just my ears) . At least what was installed in my car before sounded better then what i heard on there sound board .
  15. sa5150


    I was checking into sonic the a A+ on the BBB and i have ordded from them before with out any problems . Too bad they do not have the Beymas . Checking feedback on audio savers ..they send a lot of broken or doa products , There a wholesale place from new york most likely Asian , Poor custermer serivce from what everyone is saying .
  16. sa5150


    After looking into a bunch of speakers , i would love to get the Hetz but cost is way too much . i think i may go with the BEYMA SCK65 . Just wondering are they worth it being there made in China and i don't understand the 25rms rating on the tweeter , ? sounds very low .
  17. sa5150


    Is audio savings a legit place to buy them ? They have a great price on them but i have read some pretty bad reviews . US speaker prices are pretty high . Audio savings also sells on amazon and ebay .
  18. sa5150


    Ok Beyma it is !
  19. sa5150


    Beyma SCK65 vs Massive Audio CK 6.9 III both around $200 ?
  20. i've heard this on the boards a few times but don't understand what they mean running active or passive ? can someone explain the 2 . Thanks !
  21. all i can hear around here is the same junk alpine,sony,jvc,kenwood,. some jl,bostons . i have to try and find a set online and take a chance that people know what there talking about . Too bad the hertz on ebay are fake cause there over my price range from legit shops . it looks like i'm down to the beymas or the ID's at the moment .
  22. sa5150

    Alpine SPR-60C

    Alpine SPR-60C Any opinions on this speaker and does it compare in quality to the high end brands like Hertz,Focal etc...?
  23. I got a reply from a ebay seller from asia about some HSK hertz speakers asking for the serial number to check with Hertz before i purchase them and was told "The serial number that sir required are highly private and confidential, as we are directly taken to sold from the Factory, We are their sub coordinator, that's why the selling prices is much more cheaper than the market prices, but that's a contract between the Factory and us, which DO NOT REVEAL any P&C detail to other people, and for the most safety factors, they will do the shipment order for us, rather than we take those parts from them, and ship out from our side. That's highly unsecure for them. That's the reason we also could not get the serial number too" Is this for real ??? a sub coordinator in Asia for a Italian company
  24. sa5150

    Alphasonik PCZ65E

    Anyone have any experience with there products ?
  25. on the beyma is says 25 rms on the tweeter , Is that a normal spec ? , It seems kind of low .