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Everything posted by lee

  1. lee

    Question about BP Power

    Where do these people come up with this off the wall stuff
  2. lee

    DP grooms table FTMFW!!

    Did your wife to be think you're crazy to have that display @ the wedding? I know mine would,.....props for making it happen though.
  3. lee

    IA Death Penalty Arrives for Testing!

    That 8 spoke basket is now officially my favorite basket style
  4. lee

    Fi Q 18

    I plan on doing 5.75 3^ft after displacement sealed enclosure on 1000wrms. Any and all critisism welcome aswell as opinions. Please be brutally honest, I'm a big boy no harm no foul. This will be going into a ford escort hatch
  5. lee

    Fi Q 18

    RF power series elite. Its going in a sealed box that's prolly why it looks small to you 3^ft wise
  6. lee

    SSD 12 problem

    Does the speaker bottom out or the like? Usually they say beat on it [ music ] till it becomes a problem if it becomes a problem,.....they will help you if it does
  7. lee

    new jam in the car

    Very nice
  8. lee

    line array of 6.5's

    Is there any way to get pics of these so I can make my decision on a good deal before its too late?
  9. lee

    ssd or w3

    I'm a firm believer in the more cone area the better.
  10. lee

    Fi Q

    I believe it has aluminum coils. BP power is a plug machined from aluminum placed inside the pole vent to aid in cooling along with six axial cooling channels in the top plate and a changed spider pack. Raises thermal handling 200-500 watts, and beefs up mechanical ability some more aswell. Supposed to be close to origional thiele small specs.
  11. lee

    ssd or w3

    Prepare for a lop sided answer to the question. I'll start and say SSD
  12. lee

    VLX 400 ???

    Specs per my 92 U.S. AMPS broshure are as follows: 200 per channel @ 4ohms 400 per channel @ 2ohms 800 per channel @ 1ohm 1600 per channel @ .5 ohm 3200 bridged @ 1 ohm 44 inches long Needs 400 Amps of inline fusing Quad power supplies Vari-Loud equalization And as we all know under rated. Last time I was involved with these was in the mid 90s
  13. lee

    18" ssd

    Pics and or vids possible?
  14. lee

    18" ssd

    I agree ^^^^^
  15. lee

    18" ssd

    There isn't any, try a Q in it's place
  16. lee

    Sick!--videos--152.3 bass race on TL

    That car is rediculous bro, insane loud
  17. lee


    Your formula is incorrect. Ohms law is, Voltage [ Electromotive force ] divided by Intensity [ amps or current all the same ] gives you resistance [ aka ohms ]. V divided by resistance gives you Intensity. Resistance x Intensity or Intensity x Resistance gives you Voltage. Watt Law is Amps x Volts or Volts x Amps = Watts. Watts divided by Amps gives you Volts or Watts divided by Volts gives you amps. So going off what you have at the top, If you know you have 200 amps of current draw and 12 volts, you're producing 2400 watts. Hows that you say, well amps [ 200 ] x volts [ 12 ] = watts. And your resistance is .06 Ohm, not very amp stable. How did I get .06 ohm, well 12 volts divided by 200 amps. Now at 16 volts divided by your 150 amps is .107 ohms of resistance, again ohms law. How many watts is that, 16 volts x 150 amps = 2400 watts, again watts law. Why is it the same watts with 16 volts x 150 amps, and 12volts x 200 amps, that's because resistance increased. If you read my previous post carefully, I said if voltage goes up current has to go up if resistance stays the same. Well in this case, resistance did change, it went up from .06 ohm with 12 volts and 200 amps of current to .107 ohm with 16 volts and 150 amps of current. To answer your question about having less current with higher voltage is, voltage is the push, current is the flow of electrons. So when you have a higher opposition to flow, resistance [ ohms ] current goes down. If resistance goes down current flow goes up. The third problem is 16 volts x 267 amp draw = 4,272 watts @ .06 ohm load Hope this didn't confuse anybody, but those are the correct #s for the examples given.
  18. lee

    Silverado Blow Through - Videos!!!!!!!&#33

    Great work. I really enjoy your quality set-ups, and the audio in the vid is nice and clear too.
  19. lee

    Just ordered my SAE-1000D

    Good to know info there
  20. lee

    Please Welcome Incriminator to SSA forums

    hahahahaha, .......that's funny right thur^^
  21. lee


    If voltage goes up, current has to go up if resistance stays the same
  22. lee

    Bp power option only

    Much appreciated fellas, thanks
  23. lee

    Bp power option only

    Like the title says, I was wondering if there are pumping losses or air noise exiting from the cooling channels or the like thanks. Just to be clear, I'm only curious about bp power option only, let's just say the sub was inverted for reference.
  24. What else can I say, .....always impressive!