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Everything posted by lee

  1. lee

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    12 layer on teh left?
  2. lee

    kickin ass and breakin glass.....

    Proving people wrong is fun
  3. lee

    Video of 18" Q in the maxima

    I have a hatchback car, so it might be a bit of difference. Everything in my sig is accurate as we speak. All I have is a cell phone right now, so no vids yet but i'm going to as soon as I can borrow something cuz i really want to post some vids and pics
  4. lee

    From: aq2200d

    I could pull it off without any problems, don't know why you would waste what the amp is capable of. 4ohm nominal gain up somewhere,......... or 1ohm gain down. But thats me, you can do what you want. Just like when i had my TC Sounds db-500 12'' rated at 400rms I was sending over double that and never had problems or smelled coil once ever.
  5. lee

    Video of 18" Q in the maxima

    nice vid! Sounds prety clean from what I can tell. honestly to me it seems as if the bracing behind the rear seats and or the rear deck is blocking alot of energy from coming into the cabin. I dont remember, but do you have a battery next to your amp? when I installed a batt next to mine, it seemed to give me some extra output.
  6. lee

    need some opinions for my component amp

    You're in the right ballpark with around 150wrms per channel @3ohms for the 100.2. And if that isnt loud enough.....got d**n! I think its enough but you may be different.
  7. If the 5k does not make full list by the deadline, can you start the saz 2000d instead? I'm really waiting for this one, I believe it's the route you need to take next in my opinion. Any input on this is appreciated, thanks.
  8. lee

    What happen to the BL's ?

    Interesting, as my Q loved everything under 50hz. Mainly under 40hz though
  9. lee

    Can FI build this?

    Thats customer service on an individual level right there! That wont happen much, so be thankful.
  10. lee

    SAZ 2000d to come after 5k?

    I think the sae 1000d to each would be awesome. But the 1500d would work just fine.....trust me.
  11. sweet! how do you like those hc3800s?
  12. It will help. I had a huge improvement when I added mine, but my elec wasnt great to begin with so everything added is a plus when it comes to batts. If you can go bigger do so, it will only help keep voltage up. It is way better than nothing at all.
  13. you're going about this the wrong way I think. Two 12s=226.08 cone area vs 254.34 that the 18 has. two 15s is more than the 18 but you should try a different box design first. If that doesnt suffice I would get another q18 and do sealed. 3.5-4 cubes each I know is under spec but it prolly wont know much difference and it would keep you around 7.5 total which is close to where you are now.
  14. lee

    BTL 18 Build Log

    That Zapco is a nice piece :fing34:
  15. lee

    IA DP 15 x2 and IA 40.1

    i understand that one. i just graduated, and I'm going back for extended courses.
  16. lee

    SAZ 2000d to come after 5k?

    Prolly would be a non beneficial move on Jakes part. It would be cheaper to purchase 2 1500d and strap em yourself
  17. originally i was gonna run 2 sundown saz3000ds and 4 nightshades, but im running the fosgate amps because i can get a hella good deal on them. i dont know if those nightshade 12s could hang with over 8kw on tap... btls will tho Have you seen the new beasts sundown is testing now? There will be an option for a 12 layer coil that I'm shure will handle your thermal abuse.
  18. lee


    I would do D2 wire coils parallel and turn all the levels like gain,boost, all the way down.
  19. lee

    updates on IA 2ch amp?

    i want to know how they will look! the .1 heatsinks were very sexy and will be very hard to out due em.
  20. lee

    IA DP 15 x2 and IA 40.1

    yes it is stable. The better question is your electrical stable, thats the determining factor. power @ .5 = more than enough
  21. lee

    SAE-1000D blew fuses

    I'm lost, does the sub still work? check the coils with a dmm. A failure in the coil could of caused a short which would mean no resistance to the amp. Hence blowing the fuses. If the sub works, check all other power & speaker wiring.
  22. lee

    Got my new SAE-1200D

    first off, i have to say that those are professional looking pictures,......job well done on that Next is congrats on some fine sundown equipment and hope it serves you well. Keep us informed on performance and maybe a vid or two.
  23. lee

    10% off DR's until dB Drag World Finals!

    Is that $360 for a DR 18 added to cart from here?