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Everything posted by lee

  1. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Funny you mentioned that. We had a box of it sitting atop of the fridge for 2 weeks because the kids decided they didnt like it. I was hesitant to try it, but after looking at it everyday I decided to give it a try. I was thinking to myself,...why didnt I try this sooner lol, this cereal is soooo good! Didnt last to the next day, oh well, It was good!!! Lawlz,...they have asphault shredders and pavers going through my street since 5:30 this morning But atleast the huge bump at the end of my driveway I have to drive over will be cut down.
  2. I know,.....I was just messin with ya
  3. lee

    wiring ohms

    Have we made forward progress yet? I'm seriously concerned, why this has been so difficult. Finding the room to mount this amp should be more time consuming.
  4. lee

    For Scott

    I had a slight casting flaw on my basket, where the mounting hole was. I had to ''hole punch'' one mounting hole to remove some excess material on the back side basket. No big deal to me though
  5. Atleast all is well. Could of went south in a hurry
  6. lee

    So excited

  7. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <---------------- No contest with Tmax
  8. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes!!! the Colts won
  9. lee

    Sub question???

    I believe you'll be impressed with the sub. You will be fine without BP as well
  10. lee

    SAZ-3000D with FI Q15 w/BP Power Option

    I have ran a single Q 18'' w/BP D1 in a 6 cube sealed enclosure before. It saw power ranging from 800rms rated @2ohms (series) to 1100rms (RF amp). Being I had the sub in a bigger size box, performed awesome with this range of power. Imo, one saz-3000d even at 2ohm, would be good between two Q subs. A saz3k at 1ohm might be too much though. Even a saz-1500 @1ohm powering both would be sufficient. an saz-3000d would be a sight to see though, and would always have enough power for you later if you decide to change your setup.
  11. lee

    sundown wins another !!

    We love eeet
  12. lee

    SAZ 3000d?

    Then by all means
  13. lee

    Trying to run my subs at 1 0hm HELP

    Very important^ to let us know this senario. A pair of D2vc subs will NOT configure to a 1ohm nominal load, thus might be the confusion here
  14. lee

    Trying to run my subs at 1 0hm HELP

    this is correct^ Right I understand that but at rest they shouldn't sit at 3 ohms anyway they should be much closer to 1 ohm if thats the way they are wired. When I run them - to - and + to+ they sit at .7-1ohm as it should be They're resting at 3ohms because you have them wired in series. wire them in parallel like this (Blue) to be at a 1ohm nominal load at the amp.
  15. I have had two totally different Ma amps, in two different setups, at completely different times. And each, gave my two totally different problems. for that reason I wont use them ever again. The only brand of amp to give me any problems ever in my experience. I, however, am not putting them down. Just won't have em in my personal installs ever. I guess they don't like me ( 0 for 2 ). But if they work for you, then by all means go for it
  16. lee


    I love that one aswell!! Haha or was it missed-contraception? I think it is/was,........was I misconceived (sp) J/K
  17. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wished the daylight savings was for the winter months here instead of the summer. I would love the darkness at 5:00pm instead of 10:00pm, and more light in the winter evening hours
  18. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    slow night in the HOP
  19. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Alot has been accomplished, and it's only Saturday night
  20. That's what I'm talking about Overkill ftmfw
  21. Yeah,...to confirm, it is a normal ANL fuse as I had a power ''T'' series amp. That fuse acts like a bridge for power to flow. So if the fuse is blown or no fuse at all, the amp will NOT power up
  22. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I see everyone has had a busy weekend