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Everything posted by lee

  1. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll take some snow drifts for a year strait over this sunny hot crap
  2. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's right......being here makes me love it even more
  3. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And for your neighbors for that matter
  4. lee

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    Sundown meets the dragstrip
  5. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Snowmobiling time ftw
  6. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It'll be just as bad next summer, or worse. I'm honestly really surprised at what's happened with the price of oil, I didn't think it would have had anywhere near the elasticity that it had. I agree, I keep telling my wife, ''don't let it fool you'' It can only get worse
  7. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ZOMG, that would be a god send!!!
  8. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Way to stay on topic there smart guy!!! J/K I was so close to picking up a bike, then gas started going down. I'm still searching, just not as fast hehe
  9. lee

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^ there you go again,...stiring up the pot!!
  10. lee

    New AA SMD Woofer

    I guess we'll have to wait and see huh
  11. lee

    Getting 18" btl need opinion on amp

    RF T20001bd will be a good match
  12. lee

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    I believe people are afraid to venture into the unknown. JL became huge because of this imo. everytime I ask somebody on the street to name a sub company, the first thing that comes to them is JL.
  13. lee

    Joel's Chevy Truck Build

    Mmmmm,...Audison, and 2k on the fronts,...that's what i'm talking about
  14. lee

    Will this box design help me at all

    Its just so damn close to the roof, I didnt take into account to the double baffle for one and then the subs are 3-5" away from the roof, LOL I mean its fine i guess I was seeing if that will improve anything, It hammers on Lows like a Thunderstroms coming through, and I also found a SEVERE leak, and FLex Issue today Side panel moves about 1/4" in and out, and subs jump up about 1/8th inche I didnt know MDF could flex like that :bigclap: thanks Mark for an awesome sub that can do that, And use my Dowels I was supposed to put in the box from the jump I wish I had dough for some IXLs Do a New years Sale on them LOL Got-damn, must be something fierce
  15. lee

    my firsr big build!

    I love to see the facial expressions when people see something like that when they get in the car
  16. lee


    In my vehicles, I could care less if anyone even heard the music in back. Everything is aimed and positioned to sound good in my seat only,....the drivers seat In every single car I've been in with an actual front setup, I've never had a problem hearing anything in the back seats. And what the hell were you doing in the rear of the vehicle * laughs * J/K It's good to have someone else burn their gas once in awhile hehe
  17. lee


    I call them cars. Don't be fooled,.... those were the origional HYBRIDS...
  18. lee

    New AA SMD Woofer

    I thought the same at first ,but they've grown on me with time.
  19. lee

    Video - 18" Mayhem on a 3000d

    Yeah,...it looked as though your steering wheel will need its bolts tightened periodically
  20. Myself and others have applied these subs with less than rated power, with phenominal results
  21. lee

    possible subs in mind...

    That's more important than the sub itself.
  22. Do you drive the mustang in your avatar?
  23. lee

    New AA SMD Woofer

    I can't wait to see the final product and specs who the hell would talk chit to you?? love the work you're doin on the Caddy and i can't wait to see what you're going to do with these new beasts!! Not worth mentioning. Drama like your high school girl friend. <-----Not you personally, just a general statement
  24. lee

    Video - 18" Mayhem on a 3000d

    Hahaha...good vid. Was that a 44.1 I saw?
  25. lee

    aa havoc 12 + ???

    Didnt you have a AA 10''?