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Everything posted by jcshort

  1. jcshort

    Is A Wall In My Car A Good Idea?

    with just two 15s it wouldnt look right walled but thats just my opinion bro with it being a 4door car you just have to do more work to make it looked finished
  2. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    thats cool i understand what ur saying im an old school car audio guy been doing this for over 15 years now just been out of the loop for the last 3
  3. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    whats the max rms you guys rec for each driver i plain one runnin sundown sax 2500ds on each one can the hold more if needed
  4. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    cool ill be checking it out asap
  5. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    cool lookin forward to it the subs are the last on my long list to get lol
  6. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    sounds good how much port area will they need and how long will it need to be
  7. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    sweet sounds good and i most say from seeing the vids there an awsome sub nice work ssa guys
  8. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    thats great to here what size zcons do you have if ya dont mind me askin
  9. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    ok cool thanks bro