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Everything posted by jcshort

  1. jcshort

    Seeking some AMP advice

    you could get 2 smaller sundowns like the 1200 or 1500 one one each sub at 1ohm
  2. jcshort

    My new toy!

    nice ride thats going to be loud i had a white one with 2 l7 kickers and was crazy loud
  3. jcshort

    alternater help

    hey guys whats up i have a 97 ford expedition lookin for an alt for it to run the electric for my system it will have 5 xs power 3400ds batts as for amps it willbe sundown sax 200.4s and sax 2500ds 4 amps total pullin close to 750amps of current draw what would you rec to me to use thanks
  4. jcshort

    Subs firing into cabin help!

    you will need to retune the subs to the new position...when they where firing in to the trunk it was actting like a bandpass and giving you a bass boost so try that and see
  5. jcshort

    SAX-200.4 Will Be Discontinued / Blown Out

    thats really sucks but you have to do whats best for the company
  6. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    What would you recommend? to be honest for the money its hard to pass up ssa xcon they great power handling great quality sound and perform awesome
  7. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    Does it look like I'm on the right track with cone area? yeah
  8. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    but as far as money wise the xcon are you best bang for the buck
  9. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    I have a 2000 Honda crv in a honda crv 15s wil do nicely i have done one with two kicker l7 15s and was crazy loud with 2500watts on it. and the ssa xcons are better subs and handle more power Seems like the xcon's are the way to go. theres a ton of other brands of subs like fi,asacendant audio dc sound labs and sundown, t3audio all have good subs
  10. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    I have a 2000 Honda crv in a honda crv 15s wil do nicely i have done one with two kicker l7 15s and was crazy loud with 2500watts on it. and the ssa xcons are better subs and handle more power
  11. Me too Bro. Sucked to add what was supposed to be more current and lose db's LOL Thanks Mang. Box is 24cf after displacement tuned to 33hz. so it like 30cf gross man thats a big box im sure it drops hard :woot:
  12. jcshort

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    lookin good nice work
  13. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    150 on music is very possible sub wise i would say ssa xcons 15 0r 18 would be a good choice and match with the amp u have Yeah I was thinking of 2 xcon 15's I think that would be pretty nice yeah they should give you some good nums back in the day i had 2 vega series cerwin vegas on a 1000watts rms doing 147.5 so spk and amp tech now and good box prep you can do it Wow that's really good. My first setup was to memphis c3 15's and I was hitting 141.3 haha weak! thats not bad thats about right for that series memphis.. just keep in mind ive been doing this the better part of 20 years that was a customers car and friend at the time my s10 blazer had 6 and was pushin 160
  14. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    150 on music is very possible sub wise i would say ssa xcons 15 0r 18 would be a good choice and match with the amp u have Yeah I was thinking of 2 xcon 15's I think that would be pretty nice yeah they should give you some good nums back in the day i had 2 vega series cerwin vegas on a 1000watts rms doing 147.5 so spk and amp tech now and good box prep you can do it
  15. jcshort

    150 on music goal

    150 on music is very possible sub wise i would say ssa xcons 15 0r 18 would be a good choice and match with the amp u have
  16. jcshort

    Why DC Power Engineering vs the competition

    hey bro nice ride where did you get the mount for the 2nd alt i have a 97 ford expedition and need more the one alt
  17. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    man thats moving some air sounds good bro
  18. nice ride bro looks awesome how many cubic ft is ur box
  19. jcshort

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    i agree with evey body nice and clean build
  20. jcshort

    looking to get 2 zcon18s

    x2 great job
  21. needs a whole lot of bass!!!!!!!!!!

  22. needs a whole lot of bass!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      you have come to the right place my friend!

    2. jcshort


      it apears i have

    3. jcshort


      it apears i have
