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Everything posted by audio-neon

  1. audio-neon

    Got the Sound Splinter Addiction!

    don't we all love the boob quote.
  2. audio-neon

    New Look For the Site

    Well maybe someday, Corey Anderson would like to see the amps beating the crap out of my car... Mirror came off again today.
  3. audio-neon

    New Look For the Site

    I am guessing you are the ny rep for sundown?
  4. audio-neon

    Another First For Team Sundown

    130.2 was my bass race qualifier, the street c score was 138.6, street B was the highest of the street classes with a 152.x by TJ and his yugo.
  5. audio-neon


    Welcome to SSA!
  6. audio-neon

    1998 Dodge Neon

  7. audio-neon

    New Look For the Site

    thanks brad... good job.
  8. audio-neon

    Complete 0 gauge amp kits.

    Knukonceptz is a great place for 1/0, the klm series is 1.75 a foot.
  9. audio-neon

    1998 Dodge Neon

  10. audio-neon


    A product I would suggest to make application easier would be second skin's spectrum sludge, When i have ~300 of spare cash laying around, 5 gallons of that stuff will magically appear at my door in 3-7 days.
  11. audio-neon

    Top 10 Life Lessons

    I would have to do a little spin off, car audio lessons: Don't try and cut an entire box with a jigsaw after working a double. If you wait till the last minute, than mother nature won't cooperate. There is no such thing as perfect, but keep on trying. When things start falling apart, go back to the basics. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, as long as you tried your best (and/or like it).....
  12. audio-neon

    What do you guys decide your amp purchases on?

    I am thinking about getting my deposit back and putting it on a audison lrx 4.300, considering its about the same price. I haven't truly decided yet. I could always go all sundown and make Jacob happy. Give her a pair of saz-1500d's and a 100.4, than buy a pair of 3000d's for myself.
  13. I am just wondering, coming from an Sq person to spl, I still tend to choose amps for clean power and heaps of headroom, size is never really an issue (as in footprint) as I will make it fit. I rarely even look at features as well. (mostly because I am running active, all I really need is a gain.
  14. audio-neon

    1998 Dodge Neon

    It has been raining non-stop all day. waiting for my friend to get home from work so I can borrow his garage to do all of the glass work.
  15. audio-neon

    2004 Mazda 6 hatchback build *in progress*

    bart is a great guy, and knows his stuff. Have you seen his automatic router (works like a flojet).
  16. audio-neon

    Saz-1500D Suggested electrical

    That will be sufficient. I've used one in a personal car on stock electrical with 1/0 and it was no problem. I use mine daily with a 80 amp alt, a factory replacement battery and 4 ga. Daily. (upgrading alt, batt and adding another run of 4 per amp. for the second saz-1500d)
  17. audio-neon

    What do you guys decide your amp purchases on?

    You would definitely want my D7 amplifier from diamond than. I have a deposit down on it, for my sister's b-day next year its the one that does 50x4.
  18. audio-neon

    Sound deadeners

    I am one of those second skin ppl.
  19. audio-neon

    Hello ALL

    looking good welcome to SSA!
  20. audio-neon

    Spl on a budget

    I thought my spl system was on a budget with 2 grand... Woofers- 350 (tc sounds oem's) Kinetik hc2000 200 of ebay Wiring ~150 Sound Deadening ~200 Dominick Irragi Alt 400 mdf, fiberglass, wood glue etc... 300 Time in front of a meter so far- 40 oh and I got side-tracked and ended up with a set of morel pulse components and hertz tweets on the way there. And that isn't including the amps i have/ getting. *** note that the amps prices are not calculated in the 2 grand budget, and that originally I was going to have 2 10" bl's or audioque hd3's.
  21. Why does it seem like a 2 channel amp? just because it has 2 sets of speaker outs, that is needed for strapping the amps.
  22. audio-neon


    Or he could stick with the btl, and eventually upgrade to 1 saz-1500d per coil.
  23. audio-neon

    just another new jack

    welcome to SSA!
  24. It was my noobishness, i thought it was going b/c it wouldn't charge past 13.9 volts. with everything off. Over the winter, early spring it was sitting at 14.3-14.5 volts. with everything off.
  25. audio-neon

    Q/BL vs TC3000

    If i had to choose and they cost the same, I wouldn't be able to.