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Everything posted by audio-neon

  1. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yea, if you get six points on your license it is an extra 300 dollars to dmv in New York, I would know... I got my sixth point by 4 days.... If I could have only gotten that adjournment I would have been down to two points before court....Grr. The other thing that sucks is the dmv surcharges on dmv fines, and the fact that if they say it is due on (just for example) january 13th and you pay on the 13th you are already late. And face more fines. Good morning fella's.
  2. audio-neon

    Help Wanted -- Pick my components!

    yummy active set-ups.... damn you m5 for convincing me to go active (lol j/k I love being partially active/ partially passive right now).
  3. audio-neon

    hmmmm scary ride home for me....

    That is better than my going up in smoke experience. Driving home from Saratoga (about 45 minutes from my house) about a month and a half after I finished turbo'ing my blue neon, car stalls at 75 mph, look down at my gauges to see my temp gauge pegged... Blew a 2$ oil line that cost me a turbo'd motor. And so far in my black car I have had one electrical fire from somebody doing a cob job on the radiator fan relay using quick connects on high current fans... (cob job took place before i bought the car). Yea my idea of fun is spending 3 hours rewiring a pcm, and cleaning up exploded battery.
  4. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL... so got together with some of my high school buddies tonight. Scared a few of them chit less with some decent bass. I was only doing ~138-139 with music, but they didn't enjoy it as much as me.
  5. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    MJ or Martin...
  6. audio-neon

    Your db Numbers

    Car: 1998 Dodge Neon 4 door Electrical: Stock alt and factory replacement battery (for now). 2 runs of 4 ga power and ground to sub amp. Amp: Sundown Saz-1500d Sub(s): 2 TC sounds oem 10" Box 3.6 cubes tuned to ~40 hz. Score with car on (legal on windsheild): 140.98 db's @ 50 hz. Car off, legal Street A 140.52 @ 49 hz. Outlaw in port 158.2... yummy. Currently rebuilding for Maryland. Wiring is going to be 2 runs of 1/0 kicker hyperflex Kinetik HC2000 New box going 2.2 cubic feet with 2 4" aero's tuned to 46 hz. Possibly adding a second saz-1500d depending on cash flow. And going to a walled off trunk as well.
  7. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

  8. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And I can't eat and still gain weight. ....Grrr people with fast metabolisms.
  9. audio-neon

    Push Terminals

    I need to find a negative push terminal... The original wearer of said broken terminal was a diamond d1, I am not worried about it matching, unless Scott, or when I call heather at TC sounds will only sell them in sets. I snapped the terminal right off of the basket, but they are more of a bolt through design than actually being part of the basket.
  10. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    THE SSA beast is growing, awesome alexa #. I am looking at a very good deal for 74 feet of 1/0 Kicker hyperflex and a kinetik hc2000 right now.... I think Friday I am gonna order it all, Pull my interior out this weekend, and when it shows up next week rewire my entire car.... Yummy driving around with no interior.
  11. audio-neon

    SAZ-3000D Now Available

    Jacob, have you gotten any emails from Robert of TC sounds... I sorta pushed him your way.
  12. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Woot, TC sounds came through on the push terminal i needed. I can sell something else...
  13. audio-neon


    I am sure you will learn a thing or two, as well as liking it over her at SSA
  14. audio-neon

    Not a completely stupid question.

    Thermally I am already getting there (when clipping slightly the vc glue smell is evident although no smoke), as far as mechanically I think there is still more to be had during a burp.. And this is off of one amplifier... Going to two and should be increasing power by ~133% of where I am at right now... So should I build this box and meter them both and see where I am at. I am already very much so over the maximum recommended ported size enclosure for my pair of subs by about 3x...
  15. I have been trying to decide whether or not to go smaller with my box build. All of my buddies that are a little old school when it comes to spl say big boxes are the way to go... But when talking to people I compete with such as TJ in his Yugo doing 52's he says go smaller. My current box is 3.68 cubic feet after driver displacement, but not port displacement. 69 sq inches of port tuned to 42 hz. The woofers are two TC sounds OEM 10". I am thinking of shrinking down to a triple front baffled, double walled 2.4 cubic feet gross, and using 2 4" aero-ports and slightly raising my tuning as the change in box orientation changed my resonant, and building the wall (in the trunk not removing any seats will raise my resonant as well). Is going smaller in this case going to help me? Or is this just another one of those try it and find out spl scenario's? Any help would be greatly appreciated, the vehicle is a 98 Dodge neon, and current resonant is 51 hz before wall.
  16. audio-neon

    Wood Glue Showdown

    If you don't have perfect cuts how well does Titebond work at filling gaps? That is the best part of Gorilla Glue, but it is very apparent that it isn't as strong. Idk, I use fiberglass and duct tape, lol. (ductape the inside seams and than resin over the tape and once it is dried you will never have to worry about an air leak.
  17. audio-neon

    Which of the two would you do and why

    What amplifiers, kind of power would you be feeding said subs.
  18. audio-neon

    In the market for different subs

    He could always try the Icon, the TC2k, the IDQ, the aura... I just can't see why a sub like the q can't handle 45-60 hz... I think a better investment than a woofer would be an eq.
  19. audio-neon

    Wood Glue Showdown

    I will attest to the strength of titebond III, on my first box ever, we used titebond III, and when said box had lived out its purpose, me and a friend took a sledgehammer to the box. We could not break the joints, the mdf would break down but the mdf adjoined by the glue just would not separate, so 2 more weeks in the rain and than we decided to run over the joint with his lifted truck which weighs nearly 4 tons. The mdf split, tore, disintegrated etc. But the joint had only cracked once and it was perpendicular to the joints orientation.
  20. audio-neon

    MLI65's in my front doors

    Hertz ml165's??
  21. audio-neon

    New with Sundown Audio

    I compete with my saz-1500d. Just one right now, street A style. Two 10" oems in the trunk of a neon. Have done 143.1 in testing with the current box @ 15 volts, best in comp so far was 140.97 (actually not playing my normal frequency) at 12.4 volts. I have also managed a 140.52 at 11 volts at 49 hz. I have little to no testing, I am not a hardcore spl guy yet, but I am working on it. Later on this weekend I should have some new numbers with my new box still running the factory battery, and just 2 runs of 4 ga. Which is all being switched out before Maryland in 19 days. Might be running 2 saz-1500d's as well for the Maryland show.
  22. audio-neon

    Sup from Maryland

    Welcome to SSA!
  23. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have something for sale, I am a greedy bastard... I want get another amp before I head to Maryland in 3 weeks. I don't need denim to completely embarrass me in his civic.
  24. audio-neon

    HBD Nick!!!

    Happy Birthday nick!
  25. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP
