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Everything posted by audio-neon

  1. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pics... don't make us ask nicely.
  2. audio-neon

    Is 18 guage wire enough for highs and mids?

    If 14 ga. is overkill, than what's using 12ga for tweets and 10ga for mids?
  3. audio-neon

    btl 18 desing help will pay 5$ to the desingner...paypal

    Fiberglass does not make a box stronger. Bracing makes a box stronger. Fiberglass is used as a waterproofer, another sealent, and it is often used in ports (and sanded down with 2000grit sandpaper to reduce turbulence (especially around joints.
  4. audio-neon

    sounddeadening front doors

    It's actually the wiring; they make kits to upgrade it though. pm me a link if you can. I might have my Z28 this week.
  5. audio-neon

    Sub response vs efficiancy?

    You want woofers with a low Fs (free air resonance). You are going to loose output the lower you go with any woofer, it's natural. I have seen IB installs with woofers from 8" to 22". The key to getting low is cone area. I have seen a camaro with 2 18"s ib that gets in the teens frequency wise. You also need more power to get lower. My suggestion is to grab 2 15" woofers (lean towards pro-audio woofers, or as you mentioned efficient woofers) Something with a light cone and low inductance will help the woofers "transient response". I have been thinking about picking up some Mach 5 IXL's for my new infinite baffle toys. Oh and try to atleast feed them half their rated rms (at least have it available.) IB needs power to get low.
  6. audio-neon

    custom fi bl 15s

    Wouldn't be a good choice for cone. Most common custom cone choices I see are honeycomb carbon/glass combos and carbon fiber.
  7. audio-neon

    sounddeadening front doors

    I liked that fiberglassing idea. I'll have to do that with my car when I get it (camaro's are notorious for window motors going bad).
  8. audio-neon

    Decisions for next setup

    I guess the next logical question is what frequency do you wanna be loud at? And with 23 cubic feet why not just do 4 18" woofers. It leaves you 7.25 cubic feet (gross volume would be my guess per woofer) so a little under 6 cubic feet per woofer.
  9. audio-neon

    custom fi bl 15s

    "custom" subs will most likely have to be done through emailing Scott to see if it is even possible. More often than not the options he has available are more than adequate to cover your goals. Most "custom" subs I see built are just for a really odd impedance.
  10. audio-neon

    Here I B

    Infinite baffle... yummy. And welcome to SSA
  11. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm so glad I have a biological father, he is gonna go look at the Z with me tomorrow and than co-sign on the loan (I hope). My step-dad I live with wouldn't even lift a finger for me if I want a camaro.
  12. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No Z yet... Damn car audio loans because of my addiction to toying around with things (I was young and wanted an SQ car), It messed up my credit a while ago, but I figured b/c it was paid off I had a shot.
  13. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The suspense is killing me, about 8 more hours till I should know if I will be picking up a sweet Z on Friday.
  14. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Come see some of our 25 or so year old patients with sections of their feet being removed due to poor circulation.
  15. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Camaro (and bank loans) top
  16. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    about to go back to work. Still waiting to hear back from the bank about a lovely 4th gen camaro I want... This has been the longest day since last october.
  17. audio-neon


    to SSA!
  18. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was scanning the local classifieds and came across a beautiful 1998 z-28 artic white camaro. I bet you guys can all guess what I'm gonna be looking at this week.
  19. audio-neon

    sounddeadening front doors

    I would do 2 layers of damp personally but both options would work very well.
  20. audio-neon

    Wedge 2 build for a singleT112D4

    awesome looking box, nice bends. LOVE the 45's everywhere. Should sound nice.
  21. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thumper is getting on my last nerve, trying to bash Fi because they didn't reply to a plethora of emails about a product that was in testing. Just wow.
  22. audio-neon

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    Good luck with Digital Designs.
  23. audio-neon

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    The triple stack magnet is probably weaker, why spend more on something that will worsen performance (oh wait that's right most of you guys choose the automatic transmission) nevermind.
  24. audio-neon

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    That's funny, In Suitland Maryland last year I went up against a crx that was doing 156.xx with 2 tens. It was more vehicle/enclosure than just subs. (oh and if you were wondering it was measured with the new TL, legal dB drag Street A style). And not getting an email reply isn't "treating you poorly" Who knows Fi might need to get a dedicated customer service staff just for people like you who are impatient and trying to find out what's going on with a new woofer. The funny thing is AQ is probably telling you things like voice coil sizes, cone types, motor masses etc... When in reality to the average consumer (hell even to an engineer) those #'s mean nothing without the rest of the details. I could have a custom subwoofer built with a pressed paper cone, twin progressive spiders, xbl^2, whatever it really means nothing until you get into the nitty gritty. For example the fact that a 200g triple stacked motor with a 7" diameter could very well be weaker than a 150g 10.1" wide single slug.
  25. audio-neon

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    Welcome to the car audio world. There are very few companies (almost all are small and trying to get off of the ground) that will divulge in info about products they are testing. Even if you are friends with owners of the company and know them on a first name basis. Car audio is a dog eat dog world. Think about it this way, if you were Fi which may have a half dozen employee's building hundreds of subwoofers a week. Even the owner has to sit down and build subs just to meet production goals. On top of that he has thousands of emails to answer weekly, a personal life at home, car shows etc... Running multiple companies. Not to mention that he needs to sleep. Unless I am sending an email to a company that has a dedicated customer service staff I don't expect to get a reply within 2 business days. On top of that you compounded your issue by raiding their inbox's with nearly 50 emails, probably asking several different questions and on top of that you are asking about a product that is still "testing".