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Everything posted by audio-neon

  1. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I started looking at Telarc cd prices again... sigh. I am still pissed that my collection was stolen.
  2. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They really pull you over for doing like 2mph more than the speed limit. I guess in America we view speed limit as the minimum speed you should be going.
  3. audio-neon

    securing box on seat?

    another suggestion would be to build brackets that use the seat-belt bolts from the seats the box will be occupying.
  4. audio-neon

    what would it compare to

    I think that with the right install, one 15" BL would walk on your pre-fabbed box l5's anyday.
  5. audio-neon

    Fi Q 15'??????

    Cone size does not change a woofers sq (minutely due to increased cone mass but not enough to be audible.) read this: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=14650
  6. audio-neon

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    I blame posts like this on aim. For some of us, we have always had to type proper grammar for school and work. Hell at work I have to abbreviate everything but I still manage to type in proper grammar and use solid sentence structure. It doesn't take me any longer to type like this either.
  7. audio-neon


    to SSA!
  8. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Last summer I told the cop that he was trespassing and better get off of my property. He was trying to come right me a ticket for washing my car in my own driveway.
  9. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Cut the grass last week, it's down to under four hours now... The village of Colonie has recently passed a law requiring your lawn to be under 5" or something like that. $500 dollar fine and up to 15 days in jail.
  10. audio-neon

    table saw

    My biggest suggestion is buying decent blades. MDF eats up blades.
  11. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    isn't that from chocolate covered starfish and hotdog flavored water.
  12. audio-neon

    need help picking subs n amp

    2 Fi SSD 12" woofers and a sundown Audio Saz-1500d, A decent battery and wiring. You will have money left over for sound deadening.
  13. audio-neon

    loud subs?

    Street cred for being loud... lame.
  14. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Didn't know you were on LS1tech too!
  15. audio-neon

    DP 21 Coming Soon!

  16. audio-neon

    securing box on seat?

    I would suggest this too. It might not be the most visually appealing method, but strapping should keep it in place.
  17. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is this something like what I would be looking for in a pre-amp: http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cl.pl?prea...&1218060719 ??
  18. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...00&hl=big+3
  19. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    night post whore... I mean Sean.
  20. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was at a car show tonight. I saw multiple Bel air's even a big block one. A hemi tractor puller that puts out 3200 hp at the rear wheels. A ton of older vettes, camaro's and stangs. A roadrunner, fury, an old merc and a few other cars. My favorite at the show was the 57 Bel Air convertible. I was looking around and I haven't seen a single Satellite in a show in forever. Makes me want to get ours back up and running. Also saw a bunch of rat-rods, t-buckets. A working model T, and a few early chevy trucks.
  21. audio-neon

    When It rains it pours NEW PICS

    Contact: http://www.nhtsa.gov/
  22. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    freakin' whore agreed.
  23. audio-neon

    loud subs?

    Irresponsible people have systems that are heard from blocks away. I personally had one of those systems, but never played it in a fashion that would disturb anyone around me. It takes money, power, and spending way too much time getting rid of those rattles.
  24. audio-neon

    Power Tour 2008 photos

    we were talking about Manhattan, KS. it's not going anywhere near NY this year and yeah, there's 2 Atoms that I've seen Maybe i'll have the satellite up and running next year, maybe it will be back in the area... Have a 73 Plymouth satellite sitting in a garage, mint condition, single owner. Motor needs some freshening, new rubber parts and brakes. Clean out the gas tank and should be good to go.
  25. audio-neon

    Power Tour 2008 photos

    I spotted an Ariel Atom. When is it in manhattan, I might have to drive the 1.5 hours.