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Everything posted by audio-neon

  1. audio-neon

    Electrically safe?

    It should be fine, I used to run a saz-1500d and an eclipse ea4000 off of a 80 amp alt and factory battery.
  2. audio-neon

    Electrically safe?

    What is the coil configuration of your Q 15's?
  3. audio-neon

    SQ application/Question

    Here you go, and just listen to the mechanical noise my subs were making.
  4. audio-neon

    sundown saz 1500d @0.5

    The 1500d is bulletproof if you can keep your voltage above 11.8 consistently. It will void your warranty though. I have a lot of experience with 1500d's at really really low impedances on a stock electrical system. Just remember if you break it, you have to repair/buy your new one.
  5. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate being jobless, it's day 1 of job searching and I'm bored as hell with nothing to do. I was going to build a new router table but it's raining again and I try to do my wood-work outside.
  6. audio-neon

    To whom it may concern

    Yea, Ray you can use your controls to create a SSA album and you can link them from there as well.
  7. audio-neon


    That and cutting 6 inch diameter pvc isn't always fun.
  8. audio-neon

    Happy birthday jacob

    Woot Jacob.
  9. audio-neon

    Delievered (LOTS of pics)

    Let me know when the van is coming to NY, lol.
  10. audio-neon

    5 channel power

    I would be perfectly happy with a 6 channel that did 20 wattsx2 @ 4 ohms, 80 wattsx2 @ 4 ohms and 120 watts x2 @ 4 ohms. It would plenty of power to cover 30-30khz.
  11. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    God, I could use one of those to cheer me up right now.
  12. audio-neon

    5 channel power

    It has a lot to do with the power demands most consumers want. A 5 channel that does 100x4 and 1500x1 would probably sell, but Sundown would have to have it cost ~the same as a sax100.4/saz1500d combo. Or 100x4, 1000x1 cost the same as a 100.4/1000d combo. A lot of 5 channel/6channel amps don't have enough power for what consumers think they need. The Memphis belle being one of the few that had the power, but you could buy 2 better amps for the price of a belle.
  13. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron, I downsized my dreams to SS 1-2. It just seems like a better fiscal decision. Oh and I got fired Today. Looking for a job.
  14. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I feel bad for ramos, I have to finish up my front speaker install in my brothers truck sometime. I'm not motivated to actually make the baffles so his front co-axial aren't running free air as they are now.
  15. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit, it means I would be facing T3 audio/ Team Rooney. Damn him and his 165's...
  16. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SuperStreet 1-2 Looks like a fun new home for me to come back into SPL. Highest score currently is just above 168, highest score in the US is like 162dB's. Looks like fun, I wonder if they are using smaller or larger vehicles.
  17. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn, I thought my 9.5 hour days were long. That royally sucks man 9.5 is a short day, I do 12 hours at work and than I do more word when I get home, lol
  18. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd like to see you beat a hemi. I have one you could race. A srt-8 300. If you beat that you can take on the Viper.
  19. audio-neon

    Focal or Boston acoustics

    Did you hear them in a car or on a sound board?
  20. audio-neon

    Subwoofers + Convertibles = ?

    Depending on the way the top fits in the trunk, it can be no different or completely different than a normal trunk install. When the top is down, you will hear much less bass, but either way spl is not going to happen with a soft-top. My best friend has a 2005 Roush Mustang Stage 1 convertible. It is deplorable with the top down. But he has a mustang, probably the worst car (even the non-convertible) for subwoofers. I would emphasize a strong midbass choice for your doors or consider running a much larger driver in your doors like an 8" midbass. You can put subs in the trunk, every car is different.
  21. audio-neon

    ?????BEST HEADUNIT?????

    For under 800$. A used h701 can cost 300 alone.
  22. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone have a suggestion for a SS 3-4 vehicle that gets loud?
  23. audio-neon

    linking 3 SAZ-3000's

    I have a feeling DJ bought that too.
  24. audio-neon

    Box build for Maw 15

    Nice looking box Spy.
  25. audio-neon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    3 green, 3 yellow and Aaron. What an oddball you are in red.