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Everything posted by Micksh

  1. Yeah, I get that Ohio thing a lot...lol. It looks like this forum is more along the lines of what I crave...I go on Termpro's still, but most of the others out there are kind of annoying... Hope to learn a little more about the new stuff, I've built some pretty serious vehicles, but the equipment available just keeps getting more insane every year I'm away it seems...
  2. Micksh

    Newbs pleeze read b4 posting

    I'm definitely not a newbie to audio, but doesn't mean I can't learn from you guys! Glad to (hopefully) join you all in some great discussions about audio!
  3. Micksh

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Was searching around looking for a new sub, and had heard about Sundown and came across this site and forum...