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Everything posted by jorscrivens

  1. jorscrivens

    Lexan strength question

    I used 1/2 Lexan on my box. Idk if it's true, but the dude who sold it to me said it would stop a 12 gauge super strong! I would use that.
  2. jorscrivens

    Next Outrageous Deal | 12-15-2011

    This made me
  3. jorscrivens

    Next Outrageous Deal | 12-15-2011

    Damn!! What awesome deals! Can't believe I missed the previous ones! I definitely look forward to this sale.
  4. Really depends on your goals. If you install an extra battery and monitor your voltage to make sure it doesn't fall deadly low you will be ok. If you only plan on listening to music for short periods of time and driving with your setup off a lot, you don't need to upgrade the alt. Basically it comes down to how much you want to spend. Sometimes installing an aftermarket alternator instead of another battery has advantages.
  5. jorscrivens

    Tahoe 1 Day build

    What is the "dead space" in the box for? I've never seen or heard of this.
  6. jorscrivens

    913 HeadQuarters!

    I can't wait to come visit! I will hit you up soon
  7. jorscrivens

    Hole In Enclosure

    It's pretty common for people to do this in high power set ups. Terminal cups have been known to melt. It's possible that the builder was just trying to cut down on the resistance from the amp to the sub. I thinks it is still very professional and if it is sealed up properly its legit
  8. jorscrivens

    Wall with 2 21 dp's

    I agree with what has been said. This will be hella loud! If you want to murder the lows just follow up with what you already want to do. 350 sq inches sounds good and 30 is deadly low. Definitely seal it off as good as possible.
  9. jorscrivens

    How many batts for a 40.1

    I don't use any fancy batteries in my system. I use two 1050 CA batteries that I get for $75 a piece. I also have a 40.1 and the voltage stays nice and high with no light dimming in my Jeep. I also use 2/0 gauge wiring and run my 40.1 at .5 ohms. That's my .02
  10. jorscrivens

    Second Skin vs Sound Deadener Showdown

    I would love to! I work in Novi, MI. Pretty close to D town
  11. jorscrivens

    Second Skin vs Sound Deadener Showdown

    When you say "fully treated" do you mean you only did 25% coverage like it says? Or did you cover the whole door?
  12. jorscrivens

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    Interesting fix
  13. jorscrivens

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    That would be boss status. I will post pics of my setup soon. Making a new fiberglass box, almost done
  14. jorscrivens

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    When you buy a 21" Incriminator Audio Death Penalty on impulse because "you feel like you have to have it!" When you buy a Jeep Cherokee just because you need somewhere to put the 21 you just bought...