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Everything posted by bigjae1976

  1. bigjae1976

    2 Fi Q's What amp???

    Usually, you can find a used US Amps USA-2000/2000x on ebay for about $500...that's a decent deal for a kick @ss amp.
  2. bigjae1976

    FI Q 10 Or 12

    I don't think you'll be able to fit 2 ported 12s in your supra. That's 4 cu ft plus port displacement. You'll have a pretty big box.
  3. bigjae1976

    whats the best rca's to use w my 1500d?

    I like the Knuknoceptz Karma cables. They are easy to cut to length and work great.
  4. bigjae1976

    Sundown Audio Nightshade Numbers

    That sub looks like it weights 70lbs. I like the polished basket.
  5. bigjae1976

    Mounting upside down

    Has anyone mounted their Sundown amps upside down? If so, were there any issues with heat?
  6. bigjae1976

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    It is for sale as of December 3rd, but we could arrange to do something sooner PM sent
  7. bigjae1976

    I know many are wondering, What the 250.2 update?

    Let me know if you want to sell you M5
  8. bigjae1976

    Perfect amp match for two ssd 15's

  9. bigjae1976

    FI Q v. RE SX

    Just a useful guide as far as port area.
  10. bigjae1976

    Is this enough space?

    There's only one way to get better! Plus, you'll be a lot more satisfied with the end result if you DIY it.
  11. bigjae1976

    Enclosure size, tuning and 1 XXX 12

    My house is 1800 sq ft 4 cubes is definitely doable...sounds like a plan. So if I go with 4 cu ft and (1) 80 sq in port, how long should the port be if I tune the box to 15 hz?
  12. bigjae1976

    Enclosure size, tuning and 1 XXX 12

    I've got 2000 watts to drive an RE XXX 12 - the split coil design. What would be the ideal enclosure size and tuning for a HT setup?
  13. bigjae1976

    FI Q v. RE SX

    An SX is quite peaky and really doesn't excel at getting deep. They do get loud though. I've seen a lot of SX's used in a lot of SPL applications (aka Fart Box) tuned pretty high. I think an SSD is closer to an SE... balanced daily driver. If I had the choice and its deep bass that you want, I'd go for the Q hands down. A BL would be a good choice if you have more than 1000 watts to power 1 sub with.
  14. bigjae1976

    Is this enough space?

    I think you'll be okay but you can try using some polyfill. If you are going to cutout the bottom...why not just go with a custom FG box?
  15. bigjae1976

    FI Q v. RE SX

    I think a BL would be a closer comparion to an SX than a Q. The Q will defintely sound better and will be about as loud as an SX.
  16. bigjae1976

    New to Fi. Might need a bit of help =).

    Every car is different. Before you buy a 360.2...there might be more applicable alternatives if you are just replacing/adding the subs. If your car has an OEM sub, it might be more effective to use an SVEN2 off of the OEM sub leads. Not sure about the Audi's...might want to check with a local reputable shop or check out an Audi message board for info.
  17. bigjae1976

    Post pics of HAVOC's

    Quick question, how much does a Havoc 18 weigh?
  18. bigjae1976

    Sub help...

    I've had IDQs and currently have a Q. The only major difference is the Q is louder and requires/handles more power. The IDQs are very capable and great sounding subs. I'd stick with the IDQs if you don't care about being heard from a mile away. If you had not purchased the IDQs already, I'd suggest the Q. $259 for a Q12 vrs $300 for 2 IDQs...the Fi Q is a better value.
  19. bigjae1976

    Powering a 3000

    The NGT Extreme uses Absorptive Glass Mat (AGM) cells like the Kinetiks. For only $140, the carquest one is sure worth a try. Here is the thread: http://www.splbassx.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9928
  20. bigjae1976

    SSDs Sealed

    Yes...its all of the mods who are sealed box whores.
  21. bigjae1976

    SSDs Sealed

    I love sealed...plan on going back to a sealed box myself. This forum seems to favor output and sealed boxes. I see a lot of sealed box setups on DIY Mobile Audio.
  22. bigjae1976

    Output concerns about Q 10" in sealed enclosure

    Alphasoniks have a reputation for being over-rated. Maybe try a different amp?
  23. bigjae1976

    Powering a 3000

    I've read that corporate owned stores should carry the complete line of carquest batteries. Not sure if the one you went to is corporate or franchised.
  24. bigjae1976

    Powering a 3000

    Carquest sells a rebadged battery labeled NGT Extreme. It uses the same AGM technology that Kinetic uses but costs $140 compared $400 for a Kinetic HC2400. Pretty good deal and lots of people swear by them.
  25. bigjae1976

    FI Q 10 Or 12

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7116 ...yes they do.