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Everything posted by tejcurrent

  1. tejcurrent

    Is this a good 15" BTL Loaded enclosure?

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............ j/k If you want double walls good. If this is for daily I'd tune a little lower. I have mine tuned around 35hz and I wish I was tuned just a little lower (32hz-ish), although it still sounds great. If this is for daily I can't see why you'll have a problem with it. as far as port area fi recommends 12-16sq per cubic foot. 16x4.5= 72sq, so you would seem to be good. Just bevel the ends of the port, and again, I'd tune a little lower. Good luck
  2. tejcurrent


    I've always used coarse wood screws, and no matter how many times I remove the sub I've never messed up the wood. Just make sure when putting in screws like that you set the clutch on your drill to somewhere between 1 and 3 (depending on drill), and I've never had one strip out-just pull nice and tight.
  3. tejcurrent

    Me and this kid are goin at it on youtube

    I'd just ask him to stfu till he got metered with his new setup, then come back and tear you a new one. If he never returns good, if you kick his ass good. I don't see a need for other options if he's puttin 1200rms on a blade...
  4. tejcurrent

    Update: Got metered

    x2 any of those amps would be great. Also the hifonics 2006d really pushes the bl good- and they're a decent price on ebay.
  5. tejcurrent

    Me and this kid are goin at it on youtube

    Now if only I could get that to mount in the door without hitting the other side.
  6. tejcurrent

    Shirt Idea

    I reglued my mirror a 3rd time. Can I get a shirt per incident? I'll see if it breaks off again, maybe I can get another then? I like the idea of the shirt, not my personal favorite font, and maybe black with white letters? Anyway, if no one cares I think I'll get one like that too! have a different fi shirt for every day of the week.
  7. tejcurrent

    Shirt Idea

    I reglued my mirror a 3rd time. Can I get a shirt per incident? I'll see if it breaks off again, maybe I can get another then? I like the idea of the shirt, not my personal favorite font, and maybe black with white letters? Anyway, if no one cares I think I'll get one like that too! have a different fi shirt for every day of the week.
  8. tejcurrent

    Fun night..

    I tried to think of the worst 'mainstream' brand I could, would dual or boss have been better? Yes, it probably would be over 129 on hitting me, because it's very consistant and I think a slap to the face is between 128-130. <--- sarcasm.
  9. tejcurrent

    Me and this kid are goin at it on youtube

    did anyone else notice the xplode on the other side of the box that isn't moving? LOL Man, I want boss now...
  10. tejcurrent

    Update: Got metered

    nice job. If you're serious about bumpin up the score I'd get as much power as you could. My bro's bl is happy on 2k wattsrms, so I'm sure your's would be fine on burps with even more than that. as far as how much doubling your power will help, its a theoretical 3 db gain, but you rarely get that much. I'd give it 3x that much power if I was you (I think it'd be fine on 2200 clean watts for burps). That should get you around 146, then the box change should help as well, but again that's in theory. good luck
  11. tejcurrent

    Allright which options do i want on the BTL...

    What great deal on memphis 4k? I'd like 2 more for a good price...
  12. tejcurrent

    Fi Goes Myspace!!!

    Look at it this way, I've got friends over seas fighting for us. They use myspace to keep in touch with everyone here- so if you've got dudes w/ bigass rifles using myspace, it must not be too bad in my book.
  13. tejcurrent

    18" BTL Destruction

    So I own 2 18" BTLs. I have 2 memphis 4ks on each, and they are very loud. Because of the area I live and and personal preference, I don't choose to flexnuts very often (well once a day). Once a day I drive past my ex-fiance's house (who I left after finding out she was cheating on me). This is my once a day stress release- since she's always outside smoking and she tried to prevent me from getting subs-she hated bass- and now she gets to hear them all the time Well, I was listening to da blow by lil john, when I noticed my mirror going crazy. Then it fell off. Guess I'm going to have to go get some repair glue from walmart/advance auto tomarrow. After opening the back of my yukon I also noticed that my speaker cover for my rear most speakers fell down from the roof/interior flexing. I don't know how well this shows it, but those clips stick out about 1/4-1/2 inch out-so that must've been some flex. This shows how it is on the right side, and how it should be on the left. These subs are dangerous, they're making my car fall apart! I'm sure not complaining either Thanks for the awesome subs again.
  14. tejcurrent

    Fi Goes Myspace!!!

    OK, whatever was wrong I sent the request now. I know myspace sucks a$$, but everyones on it. I got an account to see some of my g/fs friends, and keep in touch with a friend who went to college. Pretty soon I was talking to my niece I only see once every other year, and some friends from high school. I feel you, but it's like the anti-drug commercials, "everyone else is doing it".
  15. tejcurrent

    New member here

    Hifonics Bxi2006d has filters, shipped it's a little less than 350 off ebay. there's also the 1600d for almost 100 cheaper.
  16. tejcurrent

    18" BTL Destruction

    Dunno. I went to advance and got a kit. Used that 3 different times. Bought a new glue I tried today, just covered it with it. It looks like a better hold, but I wanted to give it 24hours to set. This glue came by itself advertising 'glues metal to glass, glass to glass, and metal to metal' soooo I figured I'd try it. Silicone comes next if this doesnt work. Tell you what though, installed my Memphis line-driver. I had to turn the amps 3/4 of the way up before, now I barely have them on. Very pleased.
  17. tejcurrent

    Fi Goes Myspace!!!

    It wont let me add you as a friend. when I click the link it takes me to my messages for some reason ?? http://www.myspace.com/63836505 is my ID if you could add me so I can post some comments/pics. Thanks.
  18. tejcurrent

    Which Combination?

    I'd do the q 15, if not that the q 12.
  19. tejcurrent

    New member here

    If you sold a 24" Q I'd be on the waiting list
  20. tejcurrent

    12" Fi BTL

    and a x4, Scott, I suppose being you're the creator of the subs you can answer things so that they are technical enough to get the meaning but simple enough to still understand. Guess thats why you get paid the big bucks
  21. tejcurrent

    18" BTL Destruction

    I did get a t-shirt from my posts -it's great. maybe an adhesive that would stick to glass and metal a bit better would've been more useful-but not as cool.
  22. tejcurrent

    Fun night..

    I had a shop pull out the 'boom stick' to measure my car once lol (for those unfamiliar hit up the auto section at walmart with $20). I was like, what do I do, it already reached 129.8, and it stays there from a volume of 10 up, and I'm not even cranking it yet? "It means you're hitting almost 130. LOL. Apparently my 2 18s on 8k watts are as loud as my single 12" alpine type-x on 1300 watts. To me its common sense, but that's just not very common anymore- ignorance is contagious Whenever I talk about my subs to anyone who says they know about spl comps tells me that my 150s from my 18s is pitiful, they're hitting 160+ with whatever crap was on blue-light special. I've had a dozen people tell me their 12s are hitting 170dbs, that I should let them look at my setup to see what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's because I didn't get jensen, or some mainstream brand? Most people for some reason like to say the # 170 dbs, when they're lucky to be pulling 120s, dunno why, but I guess it has a ring to it.
  23. tejcurrent

    18" BTL Destruction

    I just like the temp guage and stock appearance. It fell for a 3rd time today, I let it set for 24+ hours this time. I'm going to try 1 more time, then just get new glass/let a pro try their luck.
  24. tejcurrent

    Needin some help deciding

    If you could put 3kwatts on 1 18" btl and give it 7+cubes that'd be nice too, imo. From doubling power and getting twice the subs I only gained about 1.5dbs peak (42hz) but I gained 3.5dbs at 34hz. I'm just trying to get it deep though, but you can see it really didn't give me the 4-5db gain I was looking for, although it was a nice boost overall (on music). Just me, I like 1 beefy sub and with going from a 15 to an 18 you should see a gain (going from 810cm Sd to 1210cm Sd, so about 1/2 again as big), plus doubling the power- that's my thoughts, but i'm biased Good luck.
  25. tejcurrent

    I'm trying to convert my buddy to Fi

    lol, is that driveable with that kind of screen? ghostface, you are currently running 2 15 Qs hitting around 148? If that is so, and your subs are louder than his vmax, why not just make this comparision to him? What kind of #s is he putting up?