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Everything posted by imnottrippin

  1. I cant seem to find a straight answer on this. Im wanting to know if i can/should mount 2 yellow tops on their "backs" stacked on top of each other. Anyone have experience with this?
  2. imnottrippin

    Can i mount a yellow top on its side?

    Ok, thanks. I wanted to be sure because they are supposed to be vented outside the car. They dont feel as sealed as a stinger or odyssey battery does i guess. Thanks again.
  3. imnottrippin

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Lookin good. I like that stealth battery bank. Im thinking about a 4 15 wall for my blazer... Good luck with those corners bro.
  4. imnottrippin


    you should just paypal him 60-65 bucks for your re-cone and basket. for my sa-15 re-cones shipping was around 25 bucks. also they are hand built (at least mine were) so it took about a week and a half.
  5. imnottrippin

    Sundown SAZ 1200-D fried...can't figure out why

    i can. i couldn't on any car but this one but i have literally about 100 photos from the camaroforum of people doing step by step instructions on putting it in. this place has been in business for 20 years and has done my friends camaro. it wasn't user or installer error. it never got loud enough to blow anything. Getting "loud enough" has absolutely nothing to do with the probability of something failing if not setup properly. And the audio shop I went to when I was 16 had a good rep and was in business for a while and still is in business. Long story short, they destroyed my car. Oh and to top it off I knew everything back then too. true. man i'm telling you i have a buddy who went to them and they installed everything the same way same gauge wire same everything even subwoofer and his is working great today and has never had a problem. They've double checked it all and i was there when they did and it is identical to the way they did my buddy's....i just can't think it could be installation. then why don't you take it back to "20 year-double check audio"? if you aren't willing to at least listen to the advice given here then dont waste anymore of everyones time. for the record, your problem IS both installer(your shop) error and owner(you) ignorance. i know for a fact that sundown amps are some of the absolute best you can buy. extremely well made and individually tested. and shizzon knows his shizznit, you shoulda listened.
  6. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    2 saz-1500'd.v2s strapped @ 1ohm on 2 sa-15s. at 35hz... 5,387.2 watts clamped(meter doesn't have peak hold so i had to record it). fuck yeah.
  7. imnottrippin

    Strappin 2 1500's

    You should definately find out, i had an issue when i first strapped mine but they were both brand new and i had a new one within a week and a half. Also when you do strap them make sure you have a good electrical system, they need alot of juice but man do they bang. Good luck.
  8. imnottrippin

    EdgarCervantes's 99 4 Door Blazer

    Hell yeah, nice work. I love blazers. I like what you did with the volt meters in the center console. I might have to do mine similar. Good job on that box.
  9. imnottrippin

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    what size wire do the larger terminals take? are they the new standard for all new models?
  10. imnottrippin

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    The coil isn't supposed to move at this point. It's kinda easier if the coil has little movement and can (lightly) hold it's own downwards tension while the spider is glued. Maybe that's just me though...
  11. imnottrippin

    Re-Cone Tips / Tricks

    Also, take a piece of tape and fold it over and work it around the inside of the motor to remove any debris... And tape off the motor and scuff the areas that are going to be glued with sandpaper or wire brush and clean the sanded areas up with acetone... just a few tips i learned during my re-cone of an sa-15
  12. imnottrippin

    tsns on less than 2k

    nice, how about some build pics? i see you passed up "pop trunk wave" shoulda slammed that one. it knocks in mine... sweet flex though.
  13. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    well, i smoked one of the subs and shattered the triple joint on the other... while i had the box out i decided to run my grounds directly to the frame and add some truckbed liner under the carpet for extra sound deadening. i figured it cant hurt. mounted the kinetik a little better. i didnt get a pic of it finished though got the recone kit. thanks jacob while the glue was drying i decided to try to put the box in upright. it was a huge pain in the ass. i should have removed the panels first but i was too far in to it by the time i figured that out. keep in mind that i do all of this by myself in a tiny garage... it fit, barely. i had to drop my shoulder in to it and kick the hell out of it though all in. it slams... hard.
  14. imnottrippin


    I sure would love a clean bright blue one. Maybe with the bottom half of sundown in bright orange. If your creativity sparks, that is.... Thanks again.
  15. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    yeah i meant to holler at you the other day. it looked so good i had to logo poach it. nice work, it looks killer at night. you should make a blue electric lookin one if you ever get bored... nice work
  16. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    i didnt seal the vent. i flared it out more. Not the port, this vent. oh, because it flapped and rattled and sounded like shit. plus it let air escape and i need that tight seal.
  17. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    i need to buy some 15's if you want to sell some. cash money right now. im doing bad until i can recone these. ill definately make it to that show
  18. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    im in tulsa, i was going to try to make that one at car toys today but i have to recone one of them. but, i figure i should do both so i dont have one weaker than the other. do you go to alot of them? im going to start going often. what kind of serious competitors are there around here? i have it wired @ 1ohm strapped, by the way. its impressive.
  19. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    thanks i have a vid but its not very good and it was with only 1 amp. im waiting on a recone kit (i guess 3500 rms is a little excessive for 600 watt rated subs) then i'll post one. its a beast... They look like SA-15s to me. Nice setup by the way, how are you liking the subs? Whatcha got those 1500s wired to? i love the sa-15's, but i blew one showing off... i knew better. they took alot to blow though. alot. best subs ive ever had. wired to? power wise up front i have a duralast heavy duty(its next to get upgraded) and in the back i have a yellow top optima and a kinetik hc800 in the back all running off a 200 amp alternator. if thats what you meant.
  20. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    thanks alot. they are sa-15's dual 4ohm
  21. imnottrippin

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    i didnt seal the vent. i flared it out more.